The new king

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(The newly appointed 'king' lancer takes his throne sinking into the soft cushion of the chair, he ran his fingers around the brim of the chair as he struggled to hold back tears)
Roulxs kaard: young sire, is everything alright?
Lancer: yes kaard....
Roulxs kaard: Lancer, I doth knowe when something is the matter, you can't expect your problems to just leaveth.
Lancer: I'm not in the mood the talk roulxs!
Roulxs kaard: ...Do you misseth him...?..your father..?
Lancer: NO! Just leave me alone
Roulxs kaard: fine! ...just calleth me if needed...
(Roulxs gave lancer a concerned stare and then left)

(Roulxs returned to the facilities of the castle and looked around until he found ralsei practicing his magic in the royal gardens)
Roulxs kaard: hello thy worm...(ralsei gives a annoyed glance) yes... I mean, young sire ralsei.
Ralsei: that's more like it mr kaard, now that we're not enemies anymore we should start to respect each other.
Roulxs kaard: indeed, however I came to inform you about lancer...
Ralsei: what seems to be the problem?
Roulxs kaard: He doth seem quite miserable, i think it's due to the lack of his father's companionship...
Ralsei: I don't see why lancer would miss him. He was a tyrant and he threatened to throw lancer off the side of the castle!!
Roulxs kaard: yes, however they did have a strong relationship...we all did. The king wasn't as bad as he seemed he just... had his moments...
Ralsei: It's not like we can just release the king again for lancer's happiness, we have to think about the safety of the kingdom.
Roulxs kaard: I knowe... could we not just, do something to cheer him up a little...
Ralsei: ...sure. We can throw a little sweet party, I can invite kris and susie round and I'll make some cakes and it'll be great. Leave it to me!
Roulxs kaard: thank you, ralsei.
(Ralsei scurries off and organised the party, later that day ralsei has everything ready and sends a message through krises soul, asking them and susie to get there soon)

Spade king x Roulxs Kaard (description explains a lot)Where stories live. Discover now