The First Night of the Festival

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Cinders and Ashes

A/N: I finally managed to finish this really long chapter that tells the night of the first ball. Well, it actually didn't take as long as last time, so I'm kind of proud of myself right now.

Anyway, let's just get on with Chapter 5! Roll it!

Chapter 5

The First Night of the Festival

Over at the royal palace, the festival was in full swing as more and more guests were ushered inside, the royal announcer announcing everyone's presence, whether they be noble or common. Standing above in the royal box, Queen Johanna was politely waving to the guests that respectively greeted her from afar.

Her daughter, Dawn, was standing next to her, her blue eyes anxiously scanning the crowd, searching for a familiar face. She was wearing a simple pink knee-length dress with a black choker necklace with a small red ribbon on it, little dark pink horizontal and vertical accents on the skirt, a large pink sash around her waist and matching pink low heels. Her hair was tied up into a simple ponytail. She wasn't wearing her tiara because the first night of the festival was casual dress, so there was no need for it.

 She wasn't wearing her tiara because the first night of the festival was casual dress, so there was no need for it

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Next to Dawn was her partner Piplup, wearing a little red bow tie around his neck. Next to him was a female Buneary wearing a simple but pretty little orange dress.

Normally, Pokémon aren't allowed to attend such fancy events since it would be very crowded due to the many extra guests that they would have to accomodate, but Dawn pleaded with her mother to allow her to bring her little friends for the festival. She wanted them to help her calm her nerves until her friend appeared. Also, just judging from their first meeting, she could tell that he loved Pokémon just as much as she did, due to the Pikachu he had with him and how close they appeared to be.

Giovanni and his daughters had already arrived, since as the Grand Duke, he needed to be at the ball early to take his place as the Queen's advisor. Dawn had politely greeted Serena and Miette when they arrived before the two sisters ran off to go and flirt with some of the young men on the ballroom floor. Dawn had shaken her head with slight exasperation at their eagerness to leave. For some reason, she could never understand what she did to them to make them dislike her so much. She had been nothing but cordial to them, despite the three of them not really being friends.

Johanna noticed Dawn's wandering eyes at all of the possible eligible bachelors that had arrived, along with those who have yet to be announced. It was obvious that she was looking for someone in particular.

"Is everything alright, child?" She asked her daughter.

Dawn seemed to have snapped out of her little daze at the sound of her mother's curious voice. "E-Everything's fine, Mother." She quickly assured her, hoping that she wasn't blushing.

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