Chapter 2

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The morning light streamed through Luna's windows, and as Luna sat up in her bed, the crunch of snowboots and the carols being sung float up to Luna's ears. She smiles and pads out of bed.

The shop is closed today; Luna has the day to herself. Her favorite winter clothes waited on her dresser; brown leather pants, a white laced shirt, and a big fluffy beige jacket. She piled her hair on top of her head and ventured out into the winter wonderland.

Everyone was out and about; families were laughing, friends ran to each other with wrapped boxes. Luna smiled to herself as the joy of Solstice brought its happiness upon everyone. 

Luna knows where she was going; to the top of the hill. It is her own Solstice tradition, and it had always been done by only her. She usually went later in the day, but there was something calling her up there earlier. The crisp air stings her cheeks as she treks up the hill, but when she reached the top, something cold and wet hits her face, and she falls backward into the snow. 

"Cauldron!" A low voice screeches. "Are you alright?" Luna blinks rapidly.

"I think I will survive," she admits. She hears a high-pitched chuckle and sits up in the snow to see High Lord Rhysand staring back at her. She squeaks and gets up into a kneeling position, bowing her head. "I'm so sorry to disturb, High Lord," She breathes, sucking in her stomach, back rigid. Lord Cassian and Sir Azriel walk up behind him, all of them wet and shivering, but beaming as well. 

"There is no need for that," High Lord Rhysand chuckles. "It's our tradition to come up here and have a snowball fight. A little childish, maybe, but things are best when you act like a child."

"Only you would know that!" Higher voice chimes in, and High Lady Feyre pads into the scene with a heavy midnight blue coat dwarfing her figure. Luna's eyes widen and her breathing becomes shorter.

"I'm so sorry- I should leave you all..." She begins, but High Lady Feyre cuts her off.

"Please stay, these children have their fun, and we should have fun too!" She ruffles Rhys's hair, and he squirms away from her. Luna hides her smirk; these Lords and Legends are just Fae, like the rest of them!

"I don't want to intrude..." Luna begins to stand up, but High Lady Feyre puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Please, stay."

"If you wish it, High Lady." Feyre scoffs at the title.

"Feyre. And you can call these Illyrian babies by their names as well." She looks pointedly at Cassian.

"I'd prefer Lord Handsomest in the Entire Universe," Cassian smirks and crosses his arms.

"Oh, this is Luna. I met her yesterday when I picked out my gift for Nesta. Her shop is beautiful," Azriel remarked. Luna smiled shyly.

"Come inside," Feyre smiled.

"Alright," Luna says hesitantly.


When they walk inside the cabin, the screeching outside continues, and Luna smiles at the interior decoration. Though some of the pictures' frames seemed to be cracked- a designers choice, or an accident, Luna wondered. There were also paintings everywhere- across the walls, on the ceiling, even some on the door. They all seem to have an inside joke behind them- some stick figures with wings, some eyes in a corner.

"This is Amren, Mor, and Elain," Feyre beamed. Each of them waved in turn of their name. Feyre shrugs off her heavy coat, and motions for Luna to sit down. Luna sits on the corner of the couch as Feyre plops down in the middle of it, shaking her hair free of snow. 

Suddenly, four steaming mugs of hot cocoa appear on the table. Luna jumps back, startled, and Amren chuckles. 

"I felt the same way the first time that happened," The girl in the pink cardigan's voice is melodic- beautiful, but almost as if for a while she didn't speak. Elain, Luna remembered. There is a slight rasp to her speech, but somehow it compliments it, almost makes it seem as if there is more depth to it. 

Luna picks up a steaming mug after everyone else has, and takes a tentative sip. 

"I know, right?" The Morrigan says, smirking at Luna's awe-struck face.

"Chocolate is superior to coffee," Feyre announces. "I don't know what Rhysand is thinking."

"Here, here!" Mor cheers. The door bangs open, and the three Illyrians come tumbling through the door, their wings almost taking up the entire front part of the room. 

"What are we cheersing to?" Cassian asks.

"You'll never know," Mor teases. Luna analyzes the Illyrian's wings; she has never seen any so big. Azriel's are almost as tall as him.

"To the sauna!" Rhysand declares.

"The sauna?" Luna asks.

"Another silly tradition of theirs," Amren explains. "They sit in hot air for an hour to 'clean out their pores,' like little girls, and then they come back and exchange gifts."

They protest at the mention of 'silly tradition,' but still, thehy pad out of the room. When the low mumbles of the warriors die out, Luna notices a blush creeping across Feyre's face.

"What are you looking at?" Feyre pokes Luna in the arm. 

"I'm sorry Lady- I didn't mean to offend-" Luna begins, but Feyre smiles at her to let her know it's a joke.

"Remember; just Feyre. We are all Fae after all," Feyre smiles. 

They sip their chocolate in peace, talking about the village and Luna's shop. They share stories, and Luna finds herself giggling every five minutes. 

She hasn't had anyone to share Solstice with for a very long time; she is known as the Town Loner in Velaris, and it's nice to have a real conversation with someone who doesn't know her reputation. 

Soon, protests arise from a few hallways down, as well as the banging on doors. Luna cocks an eyebrow, and Amren rolls her eyes. Feyre is cackling softly, as well as a faint blush dusting on her cheeks. Mor giggles along with Feyre, and soon everyone is laughing their heads off.

"Rhysand, my most sweet mate, did you get kicked out of the sauna?" Feyre calls sweetly.

Rhysand curses colorfully, and Feyre giggles and sips her hot cocoa evilly.

"They're still in the sweetheart stage," Mor explains. "They've been mated only a few months ago." Luna nods. She's never found her mate; her parents weren't mated, so Luna didn't see the point of it all. But she knew that Feyre and Rhysand were perfect for one another.

There's more banging on the wall, along with shouting, and soon everyone is in pits of laughter once more.

It's the happiest Luna has ever been.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2021 ⏰

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