Chapter 3

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Getting into civil service comes with a lot of responsibility and also contacts. This was making sense to Nahyan Hassan just few weeks into his posting. He wasn’t someone unknown in his circle but being the first person from his family to land in bureaucracy was introducing him to many things. Adeem Sukhera was his senior in the field but being in the same division and coming from the same institutes had them reacquainted and now here he was, attending a gathering hosted by Adeem and his father for the people from the same department of administrative services.
The air around the house had a festive feel to it and during the talks Adeem had told them his sister was getting married in about three days and the ladies were celebrating her Dholki only. It felt strange to Nahyan, holding a gathering when there was a function already going on in the house but maybe Sukheras worked this way only. Who knew?
He had gotten many things clear though. Adeem and his father were very generous in giving information about the department. Anecdotes of the old fall outs, the dark sheep and the friends who could help you with everything, all this was important and maybe the sole purpose of this small gathering. Adeem and his father were also looking for new allies as it suggested. Nahyan had no plan of becoming one. He wasn’t the kind of person to tweak with the things that didn’t concern him. Keeping himself clean was his number one rule and he wasn’t going to break it anyway. Yeah, Adeem and his father were helpful but they were trying to make pals and Nahyan didn’t become someone’s pal like that.
It was when he was leaving and walking towards the driveway, his eyes found the vision in white standing by the fountain.
Nahyan hadn’t stopped to look at her because he was mesmerized by the picture she was making, that’d be farfetched. She was a part of this jubilant environment only. Her dressing was an indication but still she was looking such a mismatch to her surroundings. As if even she was here still she didn’t belonged here.
A swan that didn’t look like the part of this wetland.
It was the only thing that Nahyan could think of.
“You plan on staying here for the night?”
Adeem asked jokingly seeing him not moving from his spot near the lawn boundary.
“Of course not, I have to get up and leave early in the morning anyway.”
A smile had adored his features as the prospect of his travel the next day came to his mind.
“Plans, I see.”
“Plans I’m so looking forward to. So gotta hurry up now.”
He shook hands with Adeem for one last time and reaching his car sat down inside. His eyes lingered on the garden fence but then he had taken the steering and in no time it had gone to the back of his mind.


The morning dawned and the sun emerged from behind the clouds which were in a conundrum over night whether to let the waterfall begin or not, at last they had resorted to staying put and being there just for the show. No rain had fallen, just a gentle wind which was playing with the curtains of the window.
Mrs. Shahnaz Hassan looked towards at the dancing curtains. She closed her eyes letting the fresh air fill her with the newness of it. Unlike the other occupants of this house she wasn’t a big fan of air conditioners and would always do her morning Duas sitting in front of the open window only. This window was also where she would let the windows of her past open. Reminiscing about her life with her husband in this house, giving birth to three children she was so proud of today, welcoming her first daughter in law and then second, sending off her only daughter to her new home, doting on her grandchildren and then just few years back seeing her husband off with a promise of meeting in the heaven for having the true happy ever after. Her old wise eyes had seen it all.
“Good morning, Biji!”
Adeela, her younger daughter in law entered her room through the open door and placed the glass of milk in front of her.
“Wa Alaikum Assalam. Is everyone up?”
Adeela ignored the way she was greeted back. It had been years this was going on. Adeela and Mrs. Shahnaz didn’t quite agree upon many things, still it had never created any mess.
“Hardly. I’m going to start with today’s menu in just a few hours. Bhabhi and Bhai Jaan are on their way so she’d help. I thought first I should get done with the breakfast, of course, Bano was going to but you know her don’t you? She’s more trouble than worth. She went to wake the children up but as usual they refused and now you should go outside and sit in the TV lounge. Hearing your voice they’ll definitely know the sleep hours are up.”
Adeela’s long monologue and Mrs. Shahnaz’s monosyllable replies or lack thereof, the usual way both of them interacted, nothing out of ordinary.
“I also called Hadiya, she’s just getting started. Says the kids were so excited on the prospect of visiting Nano’s house that they didn’t sleep at time and she had such a hard time waking them up but no worries they are arriving in just few hours.”
The conversation had turned to Mrs. Shahnaz’s only daughter and the beloved phupho of the family, Hadiya was married into a family residing in Jehlum but that didn’t stop her from visiting her maternal home whenever she got the chance. She was the person everyone in the family could turn to with their problems. Her rapport with everyone was admirable and that’s why her visits were always special in Hassan House.
The occasion the family was gathering together to celebrate was Mr. and Mrs. Nadir Hassan’s 30th wedding anniversary. Nadir and Fariha, Mrs. Shahnaz’s eldest son and daughter in law, they lived in the heart of Islamabad as Nadir’s business had its base there. He had moved out years back due to his professional reasons but his and his family’s relation to Hassan House or Dado Ghar as it was famous among the younger generation, was never broken. It only strengthened with time.
Mrs. Shahnaz felt like it was just yesterday when she had said yes to Fariha’s proposal for Nadir and now two of their children were also married. Numair and Shafaq were happily married for a year now. Feeha’s Nikkah had taken place just few months back. Time flies flapping its wings and we’re left wondering where it had gone.
The commotion from the outside pulled her back from her nostalgia. The way Adeela was gushing excitedly was enough to tell Mrs. Shahnaz one of the birds of this house had come back to the nest. She was about to get up taking the support of her stick when she was held by two arms and even before looking up a smile had reached her face.
“I should’ve known. You beat even your parents in reaching on time.”
“Assalam Alaikum, Dado.”
Nahyan hugged her sideways and then kissed her hands in a way of respect and adoration. Mrs. Shahzan caressed his hair and made him sit right beside her on the bed.
“Wa Alaikum Assalam. It’s been so long I’ve seen you in person.”
“I’ve been busier than I thought I’d be.”
“This was the given. It was because of this only Numair and Nadir were stopping you from going into civil service.”
Nahyan knew this already. His father had an established business and his brother was now also playing a vital part in expanding it. Feeha had opted for medical and was a doctor. Their parents had always given them free reigns in their career choices but when Nahyan announced he was going to sit in CSS exam that came like a shocker to the whole family. No one had ever shown interest in this line of work in their clan but Nahyan was true to what he wanted to achieve. Despite his father and brother’s reservations, he had gotten to where he aspired to be and now was appointed at a coveted post.
“But look, here I’m. Before anyone else. Not even the always before time Feeha is here yet!”
Mrs. Shahnaz ruffled his hair smilingly.
“You’ve been taking your medicines?”
“Nahyan! Don’t start with this please.”
“Looks like you aren’t. Chachi!”
He called to Adeela who was inside the room smiling mischievously after few seconds.
“Your Dado really loves skipping her medicines, Nahyan. Even your Chachu complains how stubborn she can get.”
Nahyan narrowed his eyes at his grandmother who was looking around sheepishly. For a woman of few words and gestures, his grandmother was almost like a child when it came to medicines and her food.
“Let’s have breakfast first then we’ll see about that. Chachi, your unit is up yet?”
He inquired about her kids.
“Bano has gone to get the task done. By the way I hear the whining, I can say she has succeeded.”
Nahyan shook his head. Adeela’s kids were heavy sleepers and there were no two ways about it.
As he sat down on the table with Mrs. Shahnaz, everything related to work had vanished from his mind. He was right now just Nahyan, a son, a grandson, and a brother.

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