Chapter 11

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The late August air is undeniably humid this afternoon, wrapping around my already overheated body as droplets of perspiration roll down the side of my forehead. Feet carrying me faster through the university parking lot, I picked up the pace intending to reach my car soon to bring some relief to my sweltering body. Miles and Warren ditched me for food since classes dragged out a bit late today, as we were supposed to discuss a project proposal for the semester. Quickly getting inside the car, I leaned back into my seat, exhaling a sigh of relief when the cool air of the A/C hit my scorching skin, instantly acting as medicine. Reaching into the front pocket of my jeans, I pulled out my phone to see a message from Warren.

A picture of delicious-looking burgers popped up, attached to a message saying that they already went home. Flipping him the bird, I reversed my car from the parking lot, with a soothing shower on my mind. The ten-minute drive to our apartment was eventful to say the least, as I received a call from my mom demanding answers about the breakup. I was surprised since this conversation is almost a week too late. Olivia has tried reaching me twice since Sunday, leaving voice mails that won't be opened anytime soon. Mom gave me an earful about why I should have talked to her about my breakup, and how Olivia sounded utterly hurt by my rejection. Somehow, Olivia has painted a completely different picture about our breakup, saying that I was ignorant of her pleas, being disrespectful to her in a cafe. My mom taught me better than that, hence the five minutes of screaming that I received. Once she was seemingly getting calmer, I explained my side of the story, knowing full well that she would understand. She turned into a super overprotective version in contrast to the scolding one, pouring all her motherly love into the conversation, even as going as far as to apologize to me for questioning my behavior. If there is one thing I know about my mom, is that she never hesitates to apologize for something she feels is her fault, despite the age or status of the person at the receiving end; one of the many reasons why I looked up to her while growing up. 

After many goodbyes and I love you's, I disconnected the call from Bluetooth; a bittersweet smile reached my lips, mom's voice reminding me of home. I miss them dearly, even my annoying little sister, who is to start her senior year in high school this September. I wish I was back in New York, all four of us huddled on the couch in front of the TV, Buddy and Rex by my feet. Though dad didn't always have time for that, he never missed our family dinners, 'daily bonding time', as mom calls it. I'm not ashamed to feel this way about my family and acknowledge it, despite being a legal adult. Feeling utterly homesick, I ran my fingers through the tangled mess of my hair, opening the door to our apartment. The sight of my two brain-dead best friends fighting each other with wooden spoons greeted me, extricating a sigh of resignation from me. They continued on their childish play, either being unaware of my presence or ignoring me altogether. At the sound of the door slamming shut, Miles and Warren both turned their heads, widening their eyes to see me sauntering towards them. Warren flaunts a wide grin at me in greeting, just as Miles lifted his wooden spoon to hit him on the head, wiping the grin right off. 

And, they were at each other's throats again.

Snaking my arms over the back of their heads, I grabbed the closest ear at reach, twisting them in the opposite direction.


"What the fuck"

Stifling a laugh, I squared my jaw and dragged their heads closer to each other. "Stop acting like four-year-old siblings and tell me why you two bastards left without me," I turned their heads toward me, "Not to mention, have had the audacity to send a picture of the food too, should I tell Ma how you two treat me?" Quirking an eyebrow, I reminded them of my mom, well, our mom. We've been attached to the hips since high school, enough to label them as my own family. The unceremonious casual behaviors in front of my family prove that they have taken the common saying 'make your self t home' to a bit higher level than what it generally connotes.  The funny thing is, apart from Alana and her pranks, the only person Miles and Warren are scared of is my mom, while my dad is more like a companion to their half-witted ventures. Even as kids, dad was less governing, bolder, and always testing mom's limits with his daring behaviors. There was never a dull moment at our household with their constant bickering, dad concocting childish plans with Rose and me to rile her up. Add Miles and Warren to it, and there you get a perfect version of berserk Mrs. Hart. 

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