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Hey guys, this is not an update. I just wanted to put this out there. Zayn is an amazing, talented, loving, caring, beautiful, smart human being inside and out. What he did was okay. Yes, I am heart broken. I feel like I have a giant gaping hole growing in my heart. But, he did this for a reason. We don't know what the spwcific reason is for sure, and we might never know. And we don't have to. Zayn was obviously having issues within himself, and the fact that he still got up on stage and smiled and performed and told us how grateful he was for us shows how truly selfless and amazing he is. I am truly sorrowful, but I will never be dissapointed in him. I will always love him, and I will always think about him, and I will support him no matter what. In the end, we all need to support him and show we love him. Yes, he has made some mistakes but he has never given up on the fans. We should not expect and apology or explanation. We should just accept the fact that he is leaving for his own reasons that he does not need to share why, or apologize or say he has dissapointed us, because he hasn't. The band will not be the same without him, I know. But, there are four other boys who are hanging on by a thread and we need to show our support and our love. We need to show that even though we are completely wrecked we are here and we are not going anywhere. Because if we feel utterly broken, imagine how they feel. And we just need to show them, because I feel like this is close to the end and I don't want it to be. I don't want them to think we stopped supporting them and loving them because Zayn is gone. I will always be here and hope everyone else stays too. I just want you to know that I will still keep Zayn in my book and any future books because he is still part of the band. He will always be part of the band. I am sorry for this random, useless update that, more than likely, no one is going to read. I just needed to get my feelings out to some people who understand what I am going through. I love you guys, and I love Zayn. 23.07.10 - 25.03.15 xxxx.

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