48. Just play (NSFW)

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After taking a detour to a convenience store to buy beer and tequila, and Ash calling Nathan to invite him over to celebrate, all four of us ended up at my kitchen table. This was the first time I had more than one person over, and I had thought I would feel somewhat awkward about it, but I didn't. Both Nathan and Simon had admired my large video game collection and for once I actually felt proud to be a game nerd. After ooh-ing and aah-ing over my games, we just sat in my kitchen drinking and talking.

Nathan had dryly wondered why Simon and Ash hadn't cut Keith's balls off for real. That had made Ash blow up in his face and ask him if he'd rather have a brother in jail than a brother who was actually there for him to support him. Nathan didn't have a comeback to that argument, and tried desperately to convince Ash that he was still very happy about what they had done to Keith.

"You're a fucking spoiled brat," Ash muttered in mock indignation and raised the tequila bottle.

"No more for me, I'm off anyway," Nathan said and stood up.

"What? But we still have half the bottle left?" Ash said in surprise and shook the bottle. "But ok, want us to... walk you home or something?"

Nathan smiled and shook his head.

"Believe it or not, but I do have other friends to lean on," he said. "So I'm not alone tonight."

He waved goodbye and left us at the table. Simon shrugged.

"More for us then," he grinned and held up his glass.

Simon appeared to be a very relaxed and unassuming person, he didn't seem to judge anything beforehand or care what anybody thought of him. He gladly told us embarrassing stories about when he was new and ignorant, and had gotten scolded by Florian for not taking stuff seriously. Both me and Ash laughed until we cried, as we toasted in even more tequila. 

Finally, we were all so lit that we thought it would be a great idea for Simon to show what knife tricks he could do. After thoroughly washing off any remnants of Keith on the blade, he managed to hit a cutting board that Ash held up from across the room and we cheered him on.

"But the knife game is way cooler," he said and sat down again. "Give me the board."

He put the board on the table and placed his hand on it, fingers spread. Slowly he started to put the tip of the knife in between his fingers, one by one. Ash laughed and shook his head.

"Hey, I can do that too, that's not hard at all," he said and urged Simon on. "Do it faster."

Simon just cocked an eyebrow and sped up. My alcohol-marinated mind got hypnotized in an instant by the movements that got faster and faster until I couldn't even follow the knife anymore. How did he manage to hit just right every single time? I was deeply impressed, and Ash whooped in excitement.

"Do it on me."

The words just came out of my mouth before I could think it through, and my hand moved on its own to the cutting board.

Simon glanced questioningly at Ash and Ash nodded as he took my other hand and grinned. Simon caught my eye and started to slowly put down the tip of the knife between my fingers. My pulse quickened so much that I could feel it throbbing in my hand as he sped up, and he didn't take his green eyes off me at all. He didn't look down. How the hell could he know where he placed the knife? 

I squeezed Ash's hand tighter as Simon made his movements even faster and I felt my throat constrict, every muscle in my body wanted to remove my hand, but at the same time it was impossible, and Simon smiled excitedly at me. I was completely locked in his gaze. Then with a lightning fast move he smashed the knife down just above my fingers and I jumped in surprise. I just stared at the knife and then at Simon. Jesus Christ, he was good at this.

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