Chapter 1

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Hi. My name is Alice and I love to sneak out of the house. I juat drive around. I'm 16 so I'm allowed to drive, but that's not the case with my parents. They always say that I am not allowed to drive until I am 18. I hate not being able to drive, it's so relaxing. So one night as usual I go and see if everyones asleep. They are of course because it was 2am. I went to my closet and got some clothes and changed. I took my pjs with me for the mourning in case I got caught. I unlock my window and throw the rope down. I climb down and sart walking to the car. I got in and started driving. Now you may be thinking "oh she is going some where she is not supposed to go." That's not the case though. I pull around to the nearest Walffle house since its always open. I get my food and go to the park. I go and I sit on the swing. I pull out my phone and start scrolling through TikTok. I do this for a while. I look at the time. Its now 4am. I have to get home because my dad wakes up at 5. I get off of the swing and start heading towards the car. I started to have an uneasy feeling though. I picked up the pace and started jogging. Once I got to the car I drove as fast as I could. I have never felt like that while sitting in the park I thought. Once I got home I got in my pjs and messed up my hair. I crawled into bed but I couldn't go to sleep. My dad came into my room telling me it was time to get up shortly after. I rolled over and got up. I was so tired. I didn't get any sleep last night. I worked my way down the stairs and into the kitchen where my mom was cooking breakfast. "Goodmorning," she said. I grabbed some bacon and sat down. She put a plate in front of me. I started eating. My little sister Rosie came down as well. She looked happy. She told us that

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2021 ⏰

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