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every friday we have over the grimes, the walsh's and the turners for dinner
"i swear to god grant IM GOING TO KILL YOU" that's one of my best friends luz
"I SAID HEAD UP BEFORE I THREW IT" and that's another one of my best friends grant
"CAN YOU GUYS SHUT UP IM ON LIVE" that's grants twin sister linzie
"NO ONE CARES" that's carl obvs
"AHHH" and me sophia
*everyone turns around and stairs at me*
"what yall were being annoying"
"okay here's the plan, grants spending the night at carl's house for winning his football game but linzie you have to go home and clean your room" lisa said aka grant and linzies parents.
after she said that there was just a lot of bickering, about an hour later the twins and carl left but luz got to spend the night
"so have you seen the news?" luz asked me
"you mean the news about how that man kept getting shot but never died? no i haven't heard about it "
*luz rolled he eyes at me*
"i'm serious though, it was really strange" luz said concerned
"can we stop talking about this before i get nightmares"
"fine can we watch a movie bef-"
*knock knock*
"can i sleep i here?" my little sister katie asked
"ofcs baby come on we were just gonna watch a movie"
after that we watched a movie and then fell asleep but woke up to the most loudest scream ever
"sHhHhH, let's go downstairs and check it out" luz whispered
as we slowly walked down the stairs in our matching bunny pyjamas we hear moaning and groaning coming from the living room and then we saw the most gruesome thing ever
"MOM" i yelled as i tried running to her before luz grabbed my hand, i couldn't believe what i was watching, these people no these things were eating my mom, they opened up her stomach with there teeth, it was horrible!
"mommy?" katie said confused in a soft voice
"NO" i screamed as i ran towards her to grab her and close her eyes, when i looked back all i saw was luz bashing there skull open with grants baseball bat that he had left at my house
"y-you killed it"
"i had to before it ate us, i've been practicing when i heard about it on the news, sophia are you okay?" luz asked, right when she said that i bursted out in tears
"m-my moms g-gone i-i can't believe it" i cried out as luz gave me a hug, after that we looked out the window, the whole town was filled with those things so we ran out through the back window, i couldn't believe it like is this really happening this is something you would see in a movie or a book but not in real life
"we have to be really quiet" i said
"look over there fred's lights are on let's go over there" katie said
"come on then"
we quietly ran over there and hopped the fence, we would always practice doing this with the twins and carl because we wanted to become ninjas, stupid right? well as soon as we jumped in there backyard we started banging on the back doors until someone finally opened up but it wasn't fred it was a Morgan from church pointing a gun at us
"sophia? luz?, get inside hurry" he told us as we ran inside
"where are your parents?" he asked us
"we don't know we'll..." i told him
"well what?"
"sophias moms dead" luz whispered in his ear
"oh i'm so sorry, how bout we go to sleep now huh, it's getting late and i know for a fact your guys are tired"
he made us a bed and we fell asleep, we stayed there for around a month, he taught us how to kill those things and to always aim for the head everyday we would go outside and he would tell us we had to kill at least 3 in order to get food, he was obvs joking because he would feed us anyways, that's what is was like everyday until"
"DADDY DADDY I GOT ONE" duane yelled out
i don't know what happened after that all i know is ten minutes later he pulled in rick, carl's dad
"RICK" katie yelled as she ran to give him a hug
"you guys know this man?" morgan asked
"yeah he's basically a family member, last time we saw him was when we visited him in the hospital because he got shot on duty" i told him
"any friend of yours is a friend of mine" he replied
about a week after that rick was about to leave but then
"rick you can't leave us please?" luz asked nervously
"you know i can't take you guys"
"please what if my dads with lori what's if sophias dads with her please rick" luz cried out
rick and morgan talked about it and they decided it was best for us to stay with family so we left.

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