hi there im amy!

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it was a long ride and a difficult one, we even had to ride horses, everything was all going good until we made it to Atlanta, WALKERS EVERYWHERE,katie was crying so that drawer a lot of attention to us i don't remember what shoehorned next all i know is we where in a army thing i don't even know what is called
"WHAT THE FUCK?" luz yelled
" language young lady and you have to be quiet too I don't know what happened I guess Morgan got his information wrong" rick replied
" I don't wanna die!" Katie cried out
" you're not gonna die" I told her but really i wanted to say too bad because i knew we weren't gonna make it out of there
" hey you dumbass" someone said through the walkie-talkie
again i don't remember what happened after that all i know is after one blink we were climbing up a latter to a roof top
" guys I know there's like a gazillion of walkers down there but is this is the best time to tell you that I am terrified of heights" i said concerned
" why would you want to be down there eaten alive?" the man said
" honestly yes" i mumbled to my self, sophia don't look down don't look don't don't look down OH NO I LOOKED DOWN *bonk*
luz POV
" OH MY GOD SHES DEAD NOOOO" i yelled in fear
"woah woah woah calm down she's not dead she just fainted, i do the same when i see clowns" the man said
5 hours later
sophias pov
"where am i?" i asked
"SHES ALIVE!" luz yelled excitedly
"you fainted and i had to carry you the whole time" the man said
"oh THANK YOU person i don't know!"
"my names glenn and your sophia?"
"i told him your name" katie said
"Looks like we're here come on meet everybody there's a few kids who are probably the same age as you guys"
i was kinda concerned considering that i woke up in a strange van and someone telling me that where in a place i am unknown of
"DAD" luz yelled out as she ran into shane's arms
and then we hear it again
"DAD" carl yelled out a- wait carl?, i was going to say hi but i didn't want to interrupt this reunion, i started looking around but no sign of my dad, i've come to the conclusion that he's probably dead.
"hi there i'm amy!"
"hi i'm sophia:)"
"by the look in your face when you saw carl it looks like you have a crush on him!"
"mmh sureee" amy said in a annoying voice
"im serious"
"mk well would you like to stay in our tent? you can bring your little sister too!" amy asked me
"how'd did you know she's my little sister?"
"the way she's holding on to you right now" amy said as she looked down at my site holding on to me
"oh well sure we would love to stay in your tent" after that i just stared at my two bestfrie es reuniting with there dads until
"sophia is that you come here sweetie" lori called to me
after everyone reunited we all fell asleep, it's been 4 months since that happened i found out amy has been pregnant, i barely noticed that even though she's nine months in and we've been really close, like really close she's like a big sister sister to me
"truth or dare" amy asked me
"is it true that you have a crush on carl"
"um we-"
"are yall coming out yet the fires burning out?" shane asked us
"oo sorry amy can't answer that question we got to go outside sorry"
"what ever"
we stayed outside for about 30 minutes until
"i'm going to the restroom brb" amy told me
after that a horrible thing happened amy got bit, when i heard her scream my heart dropped, walkers were coming in from everywhere.

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