Chapter 10

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I walk through the hospital, Тетя Yelena's hand lightly presses on my back to guid me through the twist and turns of the halls. Three year old Jamie is sitting on her hip as he has no idea what's going on. We walk through a door that says 'Recovery', making me believe that we are getting closer. Тетя Yelena gesture with her head to a door marked 'Patient Room 223', we walk up to it and Yelena sets her hand on the doorknob.

"Are you ready?" She asks me and my baby brother who's started to vibrate in her arms from excitement. "Now, now, James. You are going have to be careful with mummy and the baby, okay?"

He nods feverishly as his hands reach out for me to take him. When I do he buries his head in my neck as Тетя Yelena knocks softly and opens the hospital room door for us.

"Up for any visitors?" Yelena asks quietly while peaking her head into the room. Мама must have either nodded or answered to quiet for me to hear as my aunt opens the door for us, revealing my mother lying in a hospital bed looking very tired and warn out. She holds a tiny bundle in her arms wrapped in a light pink blanket while Папа stands beside the bed with a proud look on his face as he stares at Мама and my newborn baby sister.

I set Jamie down on the ground before he jumps out of my arms to get to his mom. I walk over a lot more calm with a huge smile on my face, Jamie has already climbed his way onto the bed and snuggled under Мама's arm to get her attention.

Мама kisses his forehead and starts to speak in a hushed tone, "Hey, baby. How are you? Have you been a good boy for Тетя Yelena?"

Jamie nods his head very aggressively while not looking at her but at the baby in her arms. I walk closer to the bed and Мама reaches up with one hand to stroke my cheek in greeting, I smile widely at her and mouth 'Hi,' before she speaks again.

"Lydie, Jamie. This is your baby sister, Sarah." Мама looks back at Папа before looking over to Yelena who is standing at the foot of the bed. "Sarah Yelena Rogers."

I look over to Тетя Yelena to see her eyes welling up with tears, not even trying to hide them. She visibly swallows a lump in her throat before speaking, "Can I hold her?" Yelena's voice cracks slightly as she holds her arms out in front of her. Мама nods as tears start to form in her eyes, Yelena walks around to Папа's side of the bed and gently reaches down to scoop Sarah out of Мама's arms.

"Careful with her head." Мама reminds my aunt while handing her over.

I don't think I've ever seen Тетя Yelena any happier then when she held her newborn niece who was named after her in her arms for the first time. Her eyes light up as a single happy tear rolls down her rosy cheeks. I watch quietly as she swallows before leaning her head down slightly and gently pressing a kiss to Sarah's forehead.

After another minute or so, Тетя Yelena looks over at me, "Do you want to hold her?"

I nod slightly before looking over to Мама to make sure it's okay. Once I've gotten the all clear Yelena slowly walks around the bed and transfers the baby into my arms. I smile down at my baby sister as she reaches up to my nose with her tiny little red fist. "Привет, Sarah. Hi." (Hi) I whisper to her.

My head painfully pounds, my chest aches, and my left wrist feels like it might explode.

What a lovely way to wake up after getting the crap beat out of you and being knocked out by your psychotic grandpa. My right eye doesn't want to open so I don't force it, instead I slowly lift my head, the pressure increasing to the point of nausea.

I wish I could go back to that dream, the one about the day Sarah was born. That was a good day, I just want to go back to that day. I'm just going to close my eyes for another minute...

Папа and I walk down the streets of  the Zermatt Ski Resort in Switzerland. my black winter boots making quick contact with the pavement beneath my feet to keep up with his much larger strides. Snow crunches beneath my feet as the cold continues to settle in, Папа carries my skis towards the big ski chalet at the centre of the village. My glove grasps onto Папа's free hand as we near the chalet, Мама comes into view from behind a large pine tree. Her puffy fitted black ski jacket hugs her 3 and a half month pregnant belly as she holds 2 year old Jamie in her arms, she points us out in the crowd to him making a big smile cover his face.

"You ready to hit the hills?" Папа asks Мама, Jamie, and I when we get within earshot.

"Yeah!" James and I yell out at the same time. Jamie is going to be standing on Мама's skis as she slowly makes her way down the hill, mostly because she refuses to stay back at the chalet.

The four of us start to walk towards the ski lift that will take us to the top of the mountain. when we get closer to the loft Папа sets my skis on the ground and helps me step into them. Мама puts hers on and so does Папа, the three of us half walk half shuffle with Jamie on Мама's hip as we get in the line for the ski lift.

Once it's our turn we sit down and pull the bar down over our laps. The chair lift starts to move up the mountain as the air slowly gets chillier, making me glad I'm wearing so many layers. We get to the top and Mama helps me off the lift while Папа gets off with Jamie in his arms.

"Alright, we're gonna take this slow, okay?"  Папа says to me while handing Jamie over to Mama who gently places his feet in these tiny little skis between her legs.

"Okay," I reply, Папа nods and looks over to Mama.

"Please be careful." There's a small bit of desperation in his voice. When Мама promises he crouches down to be closer to Jamies level. "We'll see you down there, buddy. Be good for mama." He gives Jamie a high five before kissing Mama's cheek, then they start to slowly move down the mountain.

"Lets do this, Lyd!" Папа slaps my open palm before looking me dead in the eye. "Be careful, go slow, stay out of peoples way. And for the love of god if you see a giant goat, run."

I giggle at the last part, thinking he's joking. When his eyebrows don't move from their concerned position and his jaw clenches I realize he's completely serious. I nod in compliance, making him nod back at me. He gives me a wink and moves my ski goggles off the top of my helmet and over my eyes, he does the same for himself before we start to head down the mountain.

My eye shoots open when cool water makes contact with my skull, I gasp loudly and look up to where the water came from. I see a metal pail being removed from over top of my head to the metal table in the corner. Just entering the room is Dreykov, my grandfather who has been on the Avengers, FBI's, and Americas most wanted list for years.

"Ah, good," He states while walking further into the room. "You're awake. Lydie, I want you to meet someone."

He gestures towards the still open door, right on cue a tall woman with brown hair, one green eye, and one almost white. The right side of her face is completely covered in scars, looking like the skin had started to melt off of her face. Just by looking at her you can tell she's been through some shit. She looks slightly confused why she is in here, who I am and why I have her nose.

"Lydie," The lady's head snaps over to me at the mention of my name, "Это твоя мама." (This is your mother)


I have too much fun writing trauma and torture so I needed some fluff here you go

Tacos and lattes go together, dont let anyone tell you otherwise


Lydie Rogersحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن