Chapter One

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Eyes scanning over the words, Chō took in the separate scenes before her. "Come on Mister Aizawa." She muttered to herself. "You can do it." The words fell from her quickly, unfortunately, her father opened the door to her room, making her groan inwardly. The man smiled at his daughter.

"Time for bed, Chō." He spoke softly. The girl looked up at her father and smiled softly. Chō's father, Rin, was a hard working man, he did a lot for the two of them, especially after the death of her mother. Her father had short black hair, grey eyes with bags under them, a thin pair of black glasses sat on top of his nose, a mole under his right eye and four on his left cheek. The girl's eyes went to her father's clothing, messy night clothes that matched his messy hair.

She looked back to her father with an arched eyebrow. "If I need to sleep, then so do you." Chō said to him, putting what she was reading on her side desk. The girl had moved her legs over the side of her bed, taking her brown hair in her hands and putting it up into a ponytail. Rin laughed at the girl, it was a tired laugh, but a laugh nonetheless.

"I'll sleep when I don't have so many papers to fill out, and bills to pay." Rin mumbled the last bit, not wanting his daughter to worry about their financial issues. The girl stood up and walked over to her father, giving him a hug. Rin hugged back just as tight, he was tired and stressing, he needed a hug and she knew that. The two stood and held one another until Chō yawned, making her father chuckle. He looked at his daughter and kissed her forehead. "Sleep." He said softly. The two smiled at each other and separated. Once Chō was in her bed, her father closed her room door and she turned off the light on her bedside. The girl rolled on her back and stared at her ceiling, a frown upon her lips. She knew her father was not really going to sleep, he always dressed as if he was and told her he was, but he wasn't, and she knew that. However, she learned to accept the fact that her father was committed to his work and keeping a roof over their heads, that was life. That was their life. The girl turned on her side, looking out the window as soft rain began to hit the glass. A light yawn escaped her mouth and she began to drift.

'I wish there was a way to help dad.'


Chō groaned. Her head was pounding and her body was aching. When her brown eyes adjusted she realized that she wasn't in her room and found the reason for her body to be in such pain; she was on the floor. The girl put her hands on the floor and lifted her herself up with a light huff. "Hello?" She called out. She heard her own voice echo around her. "Weird." Chō mumbled. The girl began walking forward, she wasn't sure where it would lead her or where she was going, but at least she was moving and that's all that mattered. As the girl walked, she took in her surroundings. The path that she was walking on was black with white spots littering it, the walls where plain white, making her eyes burn. It was so odd that it made her stomach churn. It was like a horror movie. The young female focused on getting out of the place, if that was even possible, rather than her odd surroundings.

Chō's pace quickened, she really needed to get out of that place. She felt uncomfortable, queazy, out of place. "Slow Down And Breathe, Young Child." A deep voice filled her ears and echoed off of the white walls, making her stop in her tracks and look around for the person who spoke. Fear began to rack her body. No one was there, but someone had spoken to her, was she going crazy? Chō took a slow breath.

"Hello?" She called, fear in her voice as she spoke. Fear. She needed to stay calm. It was like her brother would say; "Don't be scared, people can sense your fear. That tells them that you're weak and a perfect target. Don't be scared and show no fear." Yeah, fear, don't be scared, show no fear. The girl stood and waited for an answer, any answer.

"Do Not Be Frightened," Chō snorted at the comment, yeah, don't be frightened by a voice from the sky, makes sense. "You Are Fast Asleep And In Your Room." Those words hit Chō like a pillow to the face.

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