Chapter 8

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For anyone who read my A/N about the bird this is it now. It's a bad picture but it's the best I could get. Sometimes when it's sunny outside and not too windy we put him/her in the cage on our back deck. He/she really enjoys it. Unfortunately it will probably never be able to fly again so we will have to keep it for the rest of it's life. Also it's one leg is completely broken so I'm sure it wouldn't be able to make a nest. Well I'm sure this is boring so here's the chapter.

Eclipse's POV

I jump backwards, running into Wild Heart. I shove her backwards and she runs. I am about to take off when images flash through my mind of Dakota, Magic, Sunrise, Charm. Pictures of them laying on the ground bleeding or in pain. I can't stop them. I almost fall down. Free Spirit and Heart take off right away and the man lunges at me. He grabs my leg and I kick him. The images stop a second after I kick him so I take off in the direction Wild Heart went, knowing that she is alone and Free Spirit is with Heart.

I hear the man get up and run the direction I'm going. Soon I make it to Wild Heart and I tell her where to go to. She follows me as we run as quietly and as fast as we can go.

After running for about half a mile, we stop behind a few bushes to catch our breath. It was not smart to sprint the whole time. We stay quiet as we listen for him. I don't hear anything so I start walking to the cave. I decide to be on the safe side so I canter and Wild Heart comes up beside me. "So where did you come from?" She asks. "That's a very long story. And one that you wouldn't believe."

Suddenly I pause. A horse shifter can make anyone a horse shifter. "Why'd you stop?" "Thought I heard something." I lie. I continue going as I think. I don't even have my shifter powers anymore. Or do I? I need to find out. As we head to the cave, she tells me about her story. It's not full of excitement like mine because she has lived in a barn her whole life but I still listen anyway because I want to hear what she says.

When we get to the cave and her story is done, I quickly explain to my herd that I need go somewhere. They all complain that I have to go when I just came back but I tell them it will be quick. Because it will be. I walk out of the cave and when I am a safe distance away I turn to face where I came from in case someone comes. Now how do you shift again? I close my eyes and picture a human. No crackling comes so I open my eyes and look down. Still a horse. I start to walk back when I realize something. I picture a ball of ice and "throw" it. But nothing happened. I sigh. Whatever I will just go back.

Along the way back I see a figure that darts through the woods before I can see it. Confused, I follow it. I try to follow it but it is gone. I turn back to go to the cave and when I get there Wild Heart is looking at me as if surprised. I ignore her look and go back to my sleeping spot. I'm tired after this long night. A lot of stuff has happened.


In the morning it seems like no one is here. I look around and decide to go outside. Right outside the cave about half of the herd is trying to push rocks down. "What are you doing?" I ask Wild Heart. "Trying to cover part of the entrance. It's too wide and we need it more closed so we aren't found as easily." "Good idea. How can I help?" "Over here," she answers.

We push rocks in silence and soon you can start to see the progress. About 10% of the old opening is no blocked off and it's harder to tell that something lives in it. We continue going however. Our plan is to make the opening about half as wide.

After several hours I am exhausted and the cave entrance is a lot smaller. It's hard to tell that there is a cave here and now the entrance isn't right in front. It's off to the left when facing into the cave and when facing out it's off to the right. "Let's get some sort of moss to cover it up more," I suggest. We all get to work again covering the rocks we pushed down with ivy, moss, and anything else to camouflage it. It is definitely harder to tell there is a cave now and I feel a lot safer when inside. Not to mention it's a lot easier to sleep during the day when there isn't a bright light coming down.

"Well everyone it looks great. A lot harder to see but we will be able to find it. I believe we have all earned a nap." It's been about 8 or 9 hours since we started and the sun will go down in a few hours at the most. "That sounds really good right now, Eclipse, but we should get some food first," Wild Heart says. "Ok," I answer, realizing how hungry I am. We head toward the woods to get food off of the trees and after we are all full we head toward the cave for a drink and some well-earned naps.



Filler chapter sorry:( But sometimes it's better for a calm chapter and after all this excitement and drama it's a good change :) you guys are probably happy there is no cliff hanger. And also that I finally updated. If any of you read A Shifter's Secrets then sorry to tell you that I am struggling with what to write right now. Well that's all for now. Goodnight my dear readers :)

The Life Of A Horse 3-Eclipse's AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now