Chapter 23

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About Five Months Later

"Why won't it just be done already?" I ask out loud. Standing beside me are Black Star, and Wild Heart. Over the last few months we (along with Sunrise) have become close (like really close) friends. Our parents have too, and the two Hearts of the herd are almost inseparable. Like me and Wild Heart. And another thing is, well Wild Heart is having a baby. I can hardly believe it, we are both so excited.

But the reason I am asking but why it can't just be done already is because Sunrise, is having her foal. Unfortunately she is having problems though because Mom (Dakota) told me to leave and take Black Star and Wild Heart with me.

So now we are standing outside the cave (having to face the opposite way obviously). But when you are waiting for something and have nothing to do to distract yourself, it goes by a lotttttttttttt slower. So I try to think of something to entertain me when my mind wanders back to the night.

"Willy? Where are you?" I thought I had heard crying and I called her her childhood nickname to make her laugh, but she ignored it. "Are you ok?" I asked as I came out of the cave to see her crying by herself. I looked at the sky to where she seemed to be looking. But I only saw a sliver of a moon with very bright stars around it. I looked back at her and she looked at me. "Why did we do that?" "What are you talking about?" I asked quietly. "We left the others to die."

"Who?" I asked. At first I thought she meant the ones on the boat but she wasn't there at that time. "Lily, the herd, we could have brought them." "Yes but think about it," I continued speaking in a soft voice to not make her think that she was stupid. "They don't know about horse shifters. And it's better if they don't. I don't know how Black Star knew before he saw us come back to life but he did. And they aren't going to die," I added.

She nodded in understanding and I was happy I had made her realize that we couldn't have brought back that many horses with us and explain to them all about horse shifters. We continued talking to eachother in whispers and before we knew it, it had been done, and Wild Heart would have a foal...


I'm interrupted from my thoughts by my parents. "You can come in! She's ok and it's a girl!" They say excitedly. I stop myself from running back into the cave and settle at a walk that keeps trying to jump to a trot. When I finally see it, see her, my happiness bubbles over. The sight of the cute little filly would make anyone excited.

"What are you-" "Twilight," Sunrise says with a smile. Charm, who has hardly said anything to me at all in my lifetime, whispers quietly to me, "I made a bet that it would look more like me and she made a bet that it would look more like her. But we aren't sure who wins yet. What do you think?"

I almost laugh, almost. "It's hard to tell. Maybe in a few hours," I whisper back. He nods and walks away trying to look casual. I can't help it this time, I laugh. Sunrise looks at me, "What?" "Nothing," I say a little too quickly.

I look down at Twilight now looking specifically at her color and not her adorableness if that is a word. It's definitely a pinto color. But like I said to Charm, you can't really tell, although from right now it looks like it will be a buckskin paint.

Wild Heart (who I just noticed wasn't there a little while ago) walks to me. "What's its name?" "Twilight," I pause, thinking. "Looks like I'm an uncle now." "And I'm gonna be an aunt soon," Sunrise adds to our conversation. Wild Heart and I look at eachother horrified. "Relax, I know, but I won't tell anyone."

"How- actually I probably don't want to know." "I heard you talking about it." I almost break my brain trying to think of when we talked about that but I don't think we did, at all. And Sunrise walks away. I look at Twilight laying on the ground, now crying for her mom. "Sunrise!" I call. "Shut up, I know," she says while walking back.

Wild Heart and I laugh. "I'm probably gonna be like that," she says quietly so Sunrise doesn't hear. I take one more look at Sunrise who is laying next to baby Twilight, and walk away. I guess I should give them some "bonding time" I guess you could call it.

"How long ago did we-" I whisper to Wild Heart. "I think about three months." I nod, imagining our foal jumping around, playing with Twilight and I smile.

"Hey Eclipse!" I hear someone say. But it sounds muffled as if close but behind some sort of wall. I whip around facing the back "wall". "Yeah it's Rusty." "Don't-" I start to say but Wild Heart cuts me off. "Don't talk to him." "Who's that?" I see Rusty look through a small gap in the rocks. "So you have to have your little princess defend you?" He says mockingly.

I try to start saying something just as rude back but the actual Princess comes up to us. "What did you say about a princess? Because you aren't going to ever get one." "That was the weakest come back I have ever heard," he says through the wall. "Then why didn't you have a comeback to it?" Princess says. Unfortunately for Rusty he can't think of one and Wild Heart, Princess, and I laugh together at him, because even if we have weak comebacks we are still stronger together than he is with "strong" comebacks.



1012 words. Sorry guys, I told you that this would be the exciting chapter but it was just another filler. But at least it had Sunrise's first foal in it! I have been planning all the baby names for months. And I know how many foals Wild Heart and Eclipse are having (and their names). I actually figured out their last foal's name today because I had a big decision between two names but then I didn't really like them so I chose a different one. Sorry I'm not telling the names :( Anyway the pictures are my options for pictures of Twilight. I think I'm going to have her be a buckskin paint to change things up from bay and black all the time but I want you guys to pick! So comment your favorite or message me and I after a few days I will add her picture to the new collage I'm making of the Life Of A Horse 3 characters. By the way there should be one more chapter log chapter unless I split it into two. So bye for now, and please comment so I can get that collage out for you! :)

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