Another Diamond?!

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After spinel stopped being flustered everything was going fine until...

 {spinels Pov}

"hey spinel, what exactly where you thinking about earlier?"steven said.  oh no no i cant tell him that there was .ANOTHER. DAIMOND!!it would cause him to be shocked and ask all the other diamonds and id be in trouble!!!  i was hiding all my panicking emotions from coming out,  i said nothing and sat silent in my thoughts.

 my gem then started to ache and i let that emotion slip out "GAH-" i yelped holding my gem. steven came over to me worried and called the others over to help me. i started to black out and then my eyes widened and i blurted out "BLACK!-" then everything went dark and i..... poofed...

{stevens Pov}

As soon as spinel started to hold her gem in pain. she fell onto the floor and i was panicking! "GARNET! AMETHYST! PEARL! VOLLEYBALL! HELP SOMETHINGS  WRONG WITH SPINEL!" they all rushed over to my room in a panic.

 Volleyball was crying, garnet was trying to figure out what was wrong with spinel and trying to comfort me, as amethyst and pearl rushed over to get her up. but then something caught us all of guard as spinel reached out and yelled the word- or color, Black and then she- "poofed....." i said to myself muttering as spinels pink heart shaped gem was sitting on the ground.

a little time skip-

{3rd person conversation view}

{downstairs in the living room}

steven: "i- i dont know what happed we where just talking a-and then!!" 

Garnet: "its alright steven we will figure this out, just stay calm"

pearl: " i still dont know what she ment by "black" i dont understad why she would say that of all words"

amethyst: " maybe is was the color of something she saw before poofing?"

volleyball was holding spinels gem hugging it and crying

pearl: "possibly"

garnet: "we dont need to stress about this right now we need to focus and ask spinel what happed when she re-forms."

A lot of talking later-

spinels gem starts glow as she reforms, and as soon as she dose, she is in pink pearls arms bridle style

spinel let out a squeak and fell on the ground face first 

Spinel: "ow-"

"spinel!" volleyball said as she helped spinel up and hugged her, which made spinel blush

"i was so worried!!!!!" volleyball said " im so sorry.. i dont know what happened, my gem just started to hurt and i-" spinel was cut off my steven

"its ok spinel all that matters is that your back now!" 

"a gem poofs for 2 reasons. 1. being attacked. resulting usually with a weapon of some sort, and 2. a feeling of strong emotion of some sort." pearl said as she rambled on talking to herself.

"a feeling of strong emotion? i never knew that." steven said curious and surprised. "hey, spinel wasn't attacked or anything so-" and then it clicked in steven. "spinel... what WHERE you thinking about?"

 what WHERE you thinking about?"

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lol idk it just felt funny too me when i saw the answer on my homework and idk alright lol-

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lol idk it just felt funny too me when i saw the answer on my homework and idk alright lol-

anywayssssss thank you so much for reading this chapter! wow that a lot of words- 585 


anyways hope you enjoyed!! :D

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