Washington's Cherries 😟

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A wave of relief went over Benjamin. He smiled through his bloody teeth.

"Silly me." He chuckled. "How could I not recognize that lovely voice of yours."

Washington helped Benny up and walked him to his house that wasn't far. Franklin enjoyed his vision slowly coming back to him, because with every blink, Washington got less blury and more beautiful.

 Franklin enjoyed his vision slowly coming back to him, because with every blink, Washington got less blury and more beautiful

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Georgie-kun's house was on the dead end of the street. It was quiet, isolated. The whole yard was lit up with only two, huge lanterns that were placed on the brick porch. The porch was lined with an old wooden rail that looks like it's been there for centuries. There was a wooden swing bench that complemented the rail nicely. Over all, the house was... warm. That was the best way Benny could describe it.

Benny struggled to walk up the brick steps up to the porch even when most of his weight was on Georgie. He collapsed his body onto the wooden bench. Washington lightly sat down next to him.

"What happened to you anyway?"

"Oh you won't believe this!" Benny Frank exclaimed.

"Oh-" George put his hand over his mouth.

"This blonde girl, she didn't look like she was from teyvat, but she what was even crazier was that she was using MULTIPLE ELEMENTS WITHOUT A VISION!"

"WHAT!" Washington said in a confused yet excited voice. "BENNY DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS!"

"NO?? WHAT????"

"IT MEA-" Washington cleared his throat. "Sorry, I'm being too loud and unprofessional." Georgie was always worried about coming off as unintelligent, even in front of his boyfriend Benny.

"No No No! Your volume was fine. Keep going it was interesting."

Georgie felt reassured. "Well... you know how I told you a year ago that Mondstadt was funding America's revolution."

"Yeah, I was there when you signed the treaty to become allies with Acting Grande Master Jean. It seems that Mondstadt hates Great Britain since they are restricted and conquering many countries in teyvat."

"Well that's the thing...." George had a look of concern. "I got a letter from Master Jean stating that they cannot afford to fund us anymore."

"But without their supplies..." Benny quickly became fearful. "W-we're going to be trial with treason aren't we!"

"Calm down Benny. That girl that you met could be our solution. Not a single person in our army has a vision, but there was something I noticed about the British army too. The people who do have visions aren't native to Britain. They're all from Snezhnaya, and I'm more concerned about that than winning this war at the moment."

Franklin was confused, "What could be more concerning than winning this war?"

"I did some digging. Have you heard of a nation named Khaenri'ah?"


"Well that's because it was destroyed....by the Archons. Great Britain and soon to be American are both man made nations. Godless nations. I think that's the reason why people from these nations don't have visions, but I'm also worried that...like Khaenri'ah, it will be destroyed as well. Becoming allies with Mondstadt may have been the worst thing to happen because now the Anemo Achron knows of our existence."

Benny took it all in. "So...is there any way to stop it."

Washington didn't respond right away, he was staring at the ground.
"Let's forget about it. Just....it's unlikely the we will receive a vision ourselves, but if we find that girl who controls the all elements without a vision then......then maybe we can learn from her."

Benny sighed, "So is that why you invited me to your house?"

"NO NO! NOT AT ALL SWEETIE! I just learned about her existence after she kicked your ass."

"Ha ha 😐"

Geogie continued laughing, "But anyway, lemme show you why I  really invited you."

Georgie brought Benny to his basement, aka his sex chamber. Benny has been in Georgie's chamber a million times, but everytime he goes down there, it looks different.

When Frankie walked in, he was blow away, as per usual.

The rose petals on the flower lined with candles, creating a path toward the blood red colored bed. The whole room was that extreme color. Benny took a closer look at the bed and saw.... chains.

"I know, I know it's clique but I couldn't think of anything new. Anyway, GET YOUR ASS ON THE BED IN THE CHAINS!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2021 ⏰

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