copy rights & small note

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Well hello there my dear friends and strangers on Wattpad. I wanted to include this in my story for one very important reason. I wanted to disclose the fact that I like many of you out there are going through a very difficult time through my life at the moment. I feel completely alone, worthless and just overall empty. And everyone deals with things like this differently. Me - I write. And this is a product of my completely demented state of being right now.

I also want to warn any skittish readers right now. There will be talk of some serious adult things in this book and if you are not able to handle any of the following then this is deff. not the book for you.

even though this book is pg 13

-references to self-harm

-actual self-harm

-talk of suicide

- explicate language

- sex secens (which will only be posted through private chapters)

- strong bullying

- and other subjects similar to the ones above.

I dont want to offend anyone by what I write. If you see something you dont like, or dont like how I worded something or my characters opinions on the matters throughout this book then thats your own problem. But some of the ideals that you will see in the book are not my own and should not be taken as such. I have developed very fictional characters and gave them characteristics to match the identities that I have gave them. and I apologize now if anything is offending for that is not my purpose.

The purpose of this book is for seemingly lost and helpless teenagers and young adults to relate to and maybe, just maybe, not feel so alone.

SUICIDE IS A SERIOUS AND PERMANENT SOLUTION FOR A TEMPORARY PROBLEM. Please, if you or anyone you know has attempted or is thinking of suicide contact a suicide hotline because i will tell you this YOU ARE WORTH IT. no matter how you feel. Everyone goes through it once or twice in there life. But taking your life is not the answer for your problems. I take this topic extremely seriously. And if your going through a rough time there is always someone to talk to, Im even okay with people messaging me to talk. I am here for all you, always.

1 (800) 273-8255



  Elena Williams has always been nothing more than background noise. Drowned out by the cry's that never made it to her chapped lips. Never speaking out of place or standing up for herself at the countless times she had been bullied and pushed down. After years of torment and neglect Elena finally decides enough is enough and stands on an unsteady chair underneath an old sycamore as she awaits for her only true friend; death. But does she have the backbone to go through with it? Or will her wishbone outweigh the pain that her backbone has caused her?

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