Chapter 5 - "Trust?"

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HELLO, long time no see (again -_-). Sorry for my Disappearance.... I decided that i'm going to be starting another ff, to do with genshin obviously, however i haven't yet decided whether to continue this one. Please help me out


GIVE ME IDEAS!!!!!! (pls)

love you all


 whoever started saying i was a shinnie i hope you get mugged (JKK)


Kazuha went to get up before Scaramouches hand came in contact with his neck, holding him down. "Stay down, i cannot trust you anymore." Scaramouche  said, bluntly. 

"You trusted me?"

"Shut up." He interrupted.

"But i just asked-"

"I said SHUT UP."

There was an awkward silence, before  Kazuha grabbed the hand around his neck, pulling it away.  "...Is  something wrong?.." Kazuha asked quietly, trying to break the silence but Scaramouche ignored and left the room. Kazuha sighed, "Such a child." He said rather loudly, hoping for Scaramouche to hear it. 

Soon after, Scaramouche reentered the room and grasped Kazuha's collar tightly, dragging him to the kitchen. "You are aware i can walk-"




Kazuha frowned at Scaramouche, then looked to the food. It was a neat plate of jade parcels. They didn't look poisoned or under-cooked, in fact they looked perfect. Kazuha stared at the food. "How do i know your not trying to poison me?"

"You really are an idiot, aren't you." He said, pushing forward and taking a bite out a parcel. "See?" His mouth was full and he struggled to eat with his mouth shut before trying to shove a few in Kazuha's face. Kazuha stared at Scaramouche, trying to analyze him whilst pushing away the food.

"Your mother ever told you staring is rude."

"Right, sorry." Kazuha ate the jade parcels hastily, he had missed the past few days of meals.

"I knew you'd eat them!"

"You practically forced them down my throat..-"




"You should be lucky i even cooked you food."

"You cooked the food? Oh, credits to the chef!" A similar voice echoed from the rather large doors of the kitchen to the end of it. Childe leaned against the doorframe with a hand on his hip.

"Go away you ginger or else i'll end you."

"You're getting WAY too big for your boots little man-"

"Little?." Scaramouche questioned with a creepy smile upon his face as he looked up at him.

Kazuha looked around the kitchen for potential escape routes and things to help him. There wasn't much only a few utensils, plates and cups. This wasn't how i expected it to be, Kazuha thought. He had expected a luxurious diner table with chandeliers and expensive, old paintings of each of their past comrades as after all, this is the fatui's Headquarters. The more Kazuha looked around the more he pitied them. Did they even choose this path? 

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