Tiny perfect things✨

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It seems a dream to have your presence lingering around me
The pink tint never leaving
my cheeks as you hug me
How can i stop admiring the
rare canvas art piece...
Everything about you is so flawless...
Absolute pleasure never breaking hug with me as you hold my hands...
Even intense contentment
when you kiss them..
Bury myself into your chest at your every compliment feeling
so shy in your gaze
Butterflies make home in my tummy as you dug your head into
crook of my neck..
Chills go down my spine
as I can't think straight at this moment..
This unbearable closeness
freezes me and my body
can't keep the audicity to no more melt into
you embrace...
You take me to a another
dimension where things seems perfect...

The world of tiny perfect things : Just me and you..!!!❤️

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