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Pico: Alright, who's ready for the Super Duper Awesome Best Game Night In Game Night History Night?!

Boyfriend: Bruh, you just said the word "night" so many times, it doesn't even feel like a word anymore!

Selever: Hah! I was born ready! We're gonna beat some records, kick some noob asses online, troll, hang out, never go to sleep again, and BE ABSOLUTLY AMAZING!!! 

Boyfriend: Yeah!

Kat: Well, I hope you guys don't mind, but I invited an extra person to join us tonight!

Pico: Really? Who is this per... [His sentence is cut off by a blue blur making him lose his balance]

Boyfriend: [The blue blur passes by him] Woah!

Selever: [The blue blur runs in circles around Selever, causing the demon boy to get dizzy]

Sonic: [The blue blur stops, revealing a blue hedgehog] Yo, now that's what you call an introduction!

Pico: Woah...

Selever: What the...

Boyfriend: No way!

Sonic: Oh right! The name's Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog!

Boyfriend: Sonic?! As in, THE Sonic the Hedgehog!

Sonic: The one and only!

Boyfriend: Wow! Well Sonic, it's such an honor to meet you! I'm a huge fan! [He shakes Sonic's hand] Oh, my name's The Boyfriend, by the way!

Sonic: I've heard about you! You're the kid who beat Daddy Dearest in a rap battle before, right?

Boyfriend: Yep! And many more too!

Kat: Thank you for agreeing to join us tonight, Sonic!

Sonic: No problem, Kat! Anyway, lets get this game night started, ya'll

Pico: [Walks over to the game shelf and pulls out a few games] Lets see. Mario Kart, Super Mario Maker, Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto. So many choices.

Boyfriend: How about Super Mario 3D World?

Selever: [Yawns] Booooooooring!

Boyfriend: Come on, you guys! It should be fun!

Kat: I don't see what the problem could be! What do you think, Sonic?

Sonic: Sure!

Selever: Oh fine! [Boyfriend puts in the disc]

[After getting everything set up...]

Boyfriend: This is gonna sound weird, but can I be Princess Peach?

Selever: [Laughs] You wanna be a girl?!

Pico: Hey! [Slaps Selever] Shut up! Peach has the best power!

Boyfriend: Thanks Pico!

Pico: Oh no you don't! I get to be Peach!

Boyfriend: But I called her first!

Pico: And you also fucked her last night!

Boyfriend: NO I DIDN'T!!!!!!

Sonic: Hey, at least that's better than being kissed while dead!

Boyfriend: Wait, you died? [He chooses Peach] Suck my balls, Pico!

Pico: No thanks. I don't wanna suck blue balls. I guess since I can't be Peach, I'll be Luigi. [He chooses Luigi]

Sonic: I'm Toad! Don't judge me, I just don't wanna be an ugly plumber like Mario! [He chooses Toad]

Selever: Aw hell yeah! That means I get to be Mr. Nintendo himself! [He chooses Mario] Sorry you have to sit out of this round, Kat!

Kat: It's okay, but I hope Daisy's in this!

Boyfriend: She's not.

Kat: Not even as an unlockable character?

Sonic: Nope.

Kat: Awwwwww! [The boys start up the game, and a portal appears and sucks them in]

Daddy Dearest: [Sees what happened] Have fun, you guys! [Grins evilly]

This is the start of a new adventure...

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