Into The Game

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Boyfriend, Kat, Sonic, Selever, and Pico all fell onto the ground with an OOF!!!

Pico: Ugh. Where are we? What happened? [He looks to see that he was dressed up as Luigi] And why the I look like Luigi?!

Selever: I don't know [Looking at himself in in handheld mirror] But I must say, I look pretty good as Mario!

Kat: [Wakes up only to see that she now looked like Princess Daisy] Eeeeh!!! My dream has finally came true! I can now roleplay as Daisy! [Sees Pico] Hey! They know that we're a couple! [Hugs Pico] This is the perfect match!

Pico: [Giggles and blushes] Thanks, babe.

Daddy Dearest: [Watching from out of the game] Did that boi just call my daughter "babe?!"

Pico: It looks like Boyfriend hasn't woken up yet. [He, Kat, and Selever look at Boyfriend, who was now dressed like Princess Peach, which made Pico snicker]

Selever: [Laughing loudly] Boyfriend's roleplaying as a girl! [Falls onto to ground and continues laughing]

Kat: I wonder where Sonic is.

Pico: Yeah. [Sonic then ran past him, causing the ginger to fall to the ground] Oww! Would you please stop doing that?!

Kat: Sonic? Where's your outfit?

Sonic: I guess the game thought I was so way past cool, that I don't even need some silly costume! Anyway, I heard that Kat's dad trapped us in this game, but I did get something good out of it! I got to stalk Mario! [Pulls out some Sonic fanfictions Mario wrote] I didn't know he liked writing fanfictions! Ya learn something new everyday, am I right? [He looks at a SonAmy fanfiction] Oooh, SonAmy! Spicy! [Blushes as he realized what he just said] Uh, not that I have a crush on Amy or anything! [Blushes madly]

Selever: [To himself] Sonic and Amy sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!

Boyfriend: [Wakes up] What happened? Where are we? [He sees Pico, Kat, Sonic, and Selever snickering at him] What?! [They keep snickering] What's so funny?!

Kat: [Teleports a mirror into the game] You might wanna look at yourself in the mirror and find out!

Boyfriend: Why do I have to look at a mirror? [He looks into the mirror and saw himself dressed as Princess Peach, causing the blue haired boy to scream] Why am I dressed like Princess Peach?! I'm not even a girl! [The others start laughing loudly upon seeing Boyfriend freak out] Shut up, you guys!

Pico: Alright, fine! Let's just walk around and try to find a way out! [They start walking around for a few minutes until Sonic saw something in the distance]

Sonic: What's that? [He points at a clear pipe that was sticking out of the ground. The group run over to it]

Pico: Why is there a random pipe sticking out of the ground?

Selever: I don't know. Shoud we fix it?

Pico: Why?

Selever: Because we're dressed like plumbers, and plumbers fix pipes! Duh!

Pico: No!

Kat: Pico! At least have a bit of fun while we're in here!

Pico: [Sighs] Fine. [He and Selever quickly fix the pipe]

Sonic: Alright!

Boyfriend: Great job, you guys! 

Selever: Hey ginger, we make a pretty great team! [Pico pushes Selever, causing the demon boy to fall to the ground] Bitch! [Items then start spewing out of the pipe]

Pico: Woah!

Selever: Look at all that stuff! 

Kat: What was that all about? [She tries to look into the pipe, only for a green sprixie princess to fly out of the pipe]

Boyfriend: Wow!

Pico: Is that a green fairy?

Kat: Aww! It's so cute!

Green Sprixie: HELP MEH!!!! FOR GOOD SAKE, HELP MEH!!!!

Selever: Ugh, she's so annoying! [To the Green Sprixie] SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!


Sonic: I think she's talking about Bowser, you guys.

Selever: [To the Green Sprixie] Yeah! That sounds like a you problem, so, we ain't helping! [Bowser pops out of the pipe] HOLY TIKAL!!!!!

Bowser: [Evil laughter]


Bowser: [He puts the Green Sprixie in a jar] Hey Mario, guess what... [He notices that he wasn't talking to Mario] Hey, wait a minute, you're not Mario.

Selever: Of course I'm not Mario! Mario doesn't have wings, and he most certantly isn't a demon!

Sonic: He is in my opinion!

Bowser: Well jeez, I didn't mean to call you Mario, kid! Now anyway, [He pulls out a piece of paper] Where was I? Oh yeah! Hey weird demon kid, guess what! I just captured all the Sprixie Princesses!

Selever: Okay.

Bowser: You're supposed to sound worried!

Selever: [Pretending to sound worried] Oh no!

Bowser: [Evilly] Anyway, if you wanna save the Sprixie Princesses, you have to complete all the worlds and collect all the green stars I hid around each level!

Boyfriend: That doesn't sound so bad!

Bowser: [Evilly] And if you think that's hard, then try finding all the stamps that I also hid around each level!

Pico: [Glares at Boyfriend] You just had to say something, didn't you, Boyfriend?

Bowser: [Evilly] Good luck with trying to save all the Sprixie Princesses! [Laughs evilly as he goes back into the pipe]

Selever: Okay, so he kidnapped some fairies, big deal! Who wants ice cream?!

Kat: Selever, we gotta save those fairies!

Selever: But they're just useless fairies! What's so important about them?!

Kat: They're living beings, too!

Pico: Well it's not like Princess Blue is being kidnapped! [Points at Boyfriend]

Boyfriend: Hey!!!

Kat: But... But I.... [Sighs in defeat] Screw it, you're right! Let's just go get some ice cream or something! [As they were about to leave, Bowser popped outta the pipe again]

Bowser: Oh, and by the way, [Pulls out some catsuits] There's catsuits!

Selever: CATSUITS?!!! [Runs to the pipe] GIMME CATSUITS!!!! GIMME CATSUITS!!!! GIMME CATSUITS!!!! GIMME CATSUITS!!!! GIMME CATSUITS!!!! [He jumps into the pipe]

Boyfriend: Selever! Wait for us! [He also jumps in]

Kat: So I'm assuming that we don't have a choice anymore?

Pico: Guess not!

Sonic: Alright! Adventure, here I come! [He also jumps in]

Kat: I'm coming too! [She also jumps in]

Pico: [Sighs] Let's just get this over with! [He also jumps in]

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2021 ⏰

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