Day 2 Night 2 and dizzy spell at school

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Narrator's POV
Damian had wrote down the day and night he wrote Day 2 Night 2 he hadn't ate  food in a while when he did eat it was just an Apple and a glass of water and then back to his room he couldn't bring himself to eat a big Meal when he did he ended up bringing it back up at this point his body had rejected big meals Even salad and that was his Favorite but his body had yet again rejected it so he stuck with an apple and glass of water that was the only thing that stayed down why was he doing this to himself then it hit him depression people's worse Enemy but for damian it felt like he was back in the league of Assassin's
Damian's POV
*he went Down to kitchen got an Apple and glass of water he had school today which was the worst because of his mood he ate got dressed and headed to Gotham Academy he had trusted Alfred to look after Titus and went to class and then halfway through he got a dizzy spell and passed out*
Narrator's POV
His friend Jon had took him to the nurses office who suggested that he be sent home to rest Jon had called Alfred to come pick damian up which Alfred had said of course when the Butler arrived at the school in a Limousine Jon explained the situation that happened to Alfred who thanked Jon and told him to go back to class and tell the professor that Damian had been picked up Jon nodded and went back to class and told the professor that Damian had been picked up and the professor nodded with soft smile and sent him back to his seat which he gladly did and did Damian's work for him to keep Damian's grades up
Damian's POV
*he woke up in his room in the manor and was a bit disoriented and confused on how he got there*
Alfred's POV
*he knocked* "young master Wayne its Alfred can I come in" Alfred asked
Damian's POV
*he mumbled but loud Enough for Alfred to hear* "you may come in" Damian mumbled and lay his head on the pillow as he was still a little dizzy
Alfred's POV
*he walked in* "I see your a little disoriented and confused and still a little dizzy you passed out in school and in class young master Kent took you to the nurses office who suggested that you come home and rest young master Kent called me to pick you up and take you home after explaining the situation to me I know your worried I know your depressed and I know you haven't been eating a proper meal and are Exhausted try get rest young master Wayne" Alfred said
Narrator's POV
Without an Argument and without a fight and without an I will be fine damian fell asleep it was peaceful for once Alfred left Damian's Room after turning the light off and took titus on a walk fed him and looked after him

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