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I smelled like fresh hair dye. It burnt my scalp and the strong scent burnt my nostrils. I would run my fingers through it and the navy dye would be all over my fingers. And it was hot outside so I was sweating like crazy and it was running down the side of my face. This happens all the time. I get my hair dyed almost once a month. The color I had before I went to navy was lilac. I always stay in the pastel colors that don't stick out.

My ankles were beginning to swell up. I have no idea why I decided to wear four inch wedges to the hair salon. Oh. It's because I was going out in public and half of the Australian boy population was hot as fuck. That's why I put on a crop top and high waisted black leather skirt. I literally could not walk anymore; which made it feel very coincidental that I was half way down the block from Tropical Smoothie.

I walked into the café. The a/c was felt so much better against my damp skin from the ninety three degree weather. The line was relatively long so I sat down at a table to give my feet a rest before I stood in line. After about the first four people made it out of line, I stepped in. I was waiting behind about five people, three of them being in a group. At least the cashier was fast.

I made it to the bar. I examined the menu for a moment. "Can I have Rockin' Raspberry?" I asked. I didn't even realize who was standing in front of me; Garrett. "You can. That'll be 2.36" He replied with a smile. I pulled out my wallet and pulled out three dollars. I handed it to him and didn't smile back. I walked away even though he still needed to give me change. I couldn't stand in front of him any longer. I knew if I would he'd end up with a bloody nose.

Garrett was the one who dated my sister; Callie, and cheated on her. I mean, he was her first boyfriend and she loved him with all of her heart. But he didn't seem to care at all so he went and cheated on her with my friend Luke's younger sister. Actually, he was cheating on both of them with each other. He was dating Callie while at the same time he was dating Luke's sister; Amelia. Now, they're actually best friends. Me and Luke have always been best friends.

I waited about five minutes for my drink. Then I saw Garrett walk over to me with it. "Here's your smoothie." He said and set it in front of me. I smiled sarcastically. He walked back over to the register and continued to take orders. I slipped my shoes back on and walked out of the café. The sun warmed my skin slowly as I walked down the street. I couldn't stop admiring this one building I've always wanted to step foot inside; MGC Music and Sound.

MGC was one of the biggest radio and music producing industries in all of Australia. Tons of Australian artists are signed there and it's the number one radio station in Sydney and Melbourne. Of course getting a job there was complicated. Most of the employees there were around sixteen to twenty-one. I just turned eighteen and I quit my job working for my dad and I need a new job. I've looked everywhere for a job that worked with music and I could never find one that beat MGC.

I finally stopped gazing. Luckily my condo was only a few blocks down from the building and my feet wouldn't hurt as much. I crossed the street and walked along the same side MGC was on. I couldn't help but look up at it as I passed by. But, I couldn't help but miss something else; bright red hair. There was a boy walking out to the parking lot to his car. He had the brightest red hair. He was wearing black jeans with a Metallica shirt and jean jacket. I couldn't see his face clearly because his eyes were covered with RayBans.

I continued down the street to my condo. I walked down my short driveway. I picked up the Mail on my way in. I was so relieved to be back home. My ankles were still swelling and I had blisters on the sides of my feet. I bent over to take off my shoes and walked into the bathroom to get band aids. My outfit was beginning to become uncomfortable so I went into my room to change. I threw on some shorts and a tank top. I plopped down onto my bed. I always forget to put towels over my pillows after I get my hair done. I just laid down for about thirty minutes, but ended up falling asleep.
Woo chapter one:) it took me a while I know lol
I wrote finished this at 1:07 and I'm really tired so I'm gonna go

If you want me to update, tell me your favorite 5sos song:)

(Btw the picture is what arias hair look like in case you had no idea;))

50 Shades of MGCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang