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I was born into a rich family. For so long I never had control over my actions and I still don't. I hate my family, there the people I can't stand the most, especially my father. He forced my mother into quirk marriage and BOOM that's when I was born.

I have two quirks. One from by mother being Bat-like abilities, I use echolocation, to see my surroundings. The more noise you make, the more I can hear. I have bat ears but a little bigger then the actual ones and I have medium sized bat wings. My wings can also be helped to protect me. My mother has cat-like abilities, nobody knows why I've gotten something completely different from her's, I also need a little blood in my diet.

My other quirk is strings. My father's quirk. Strings cone out my fingertips when activating the quirk. The strings are the color black. The strings also glow sometimes if the strings are more powerful then normal. My strings might look weak but they aren't, it can slice a whole body up if I use it as it's maximum power. This comes with no special abilities which I am thankful of.

If I use my father's quirk to much I get nauseous and may faint.

"Y/N!" I heard my voice being yelled

And that's when I snapped out of my thoughts.

I turned to father with a questionable look.

"Yes, dad?" I asked

"It's time for training, hurry and get ready" he said sternly

"Ok" I replied as I got up

I walked to room my room. I entered my room and closed and locked my door.

My mom abused me and so did my father. I have an older brother, his name is akira, and he's 16.

When I reached out to him, expecting a warm and comforting hug or just a warm smile, I got the exact opposite. He pulled away.

I put on some yoga pants with a white shirt. I instantly went downstairs, not wanting to keep my father waiting.

"Get up" my father looked down on me

I only cried. A small cut under my eye, bleeding. A bruise on my cheek and a cut on my thigh.

"Pathetic" he spat at me

"Get up or I'll make you regret every laying on this floor again" my father said

I quickly got up. Not wanting to go into the Room.

"I thought so" he said

"Now go and get cleaned up, and hide the bruises with makeup" he said before walking away

I went upstairs to my room. I closed and locked my door and instantly went to my bathroom.

I stripped my clothes off and turned on the shower water. I got in the shower and felt the hot water hit my back.

I smiled slightly. Showers always relax me and made me feel better. I washed my body including my hair.

I got out the shower and dryed myself off. I then put on my pajamas.

I left my bathroom and hoped onto my bed. I put on anime (host club) and soon fell asleep.

This is the end of this chapter, hope you liked it<3

Todoroki x reader - Dollजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें