Chapter Two: Soul of Dream

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2 years later...

The voices, so loud, so bright.

"Control your anger."

"Don't take the tablets."

"Restrict, take the tablet."

"Unleash the inner beasts, the demons, don't be afraid."

"This is your destiny, this is the prophecy, don't be afraid."

"Everyone that dies around you, it's because they are protecting you, that's why Annalise is dead."

"Lily is not just a flower, not just a person, she is connected to everything around us."

"He will be here soon, look for the Shepard up on the mountain."

"I don't understand" I scream to the voices encircling me.

I can't see anything. The brightness simmers down. A lady dressed in white appears from the brightness. I look around, we are standing in a forest, I've been here before, but it's not familiar.

"What do you want from me? Why do you keep appearing in my dreams? I just want to sleep." I shout to the lady standing before me.

"Calypso, my celestial, my sky. Do not get angry, I'm here to guide you. There is a reason for all of this. I can not reveal all that is to be told. It will come soon, be mindful and careful. Watch your surroundings, be careful who you encounter." She says.

"I don't understand, is this all real? Or a dream?..."

Before I can finish my sentence, I'm awoken by being violently shook.

"Soso it's okay, wake up" Lily shouts. I shoot up crashing my head into Lily's. "URGHHHHH" We both moan. I look at her. Her ginger mane falls down over her face, enhancing her blue eyes. Her freckles have really come out since we got back off holiday. She gets up off my bed easily stretching out her legs. Her long legs elongate and she reaches her arms out swivelling her body around. Lily was blessed with a models height and figure. She had her black silk pyjamas on again. No surprises there, the girl loved anything black. She turns back around to look at me, her eyes piercing into my soul, tilting her head to analyse me.

"Are you okay Soso" She asks.

"Yeah i'm fine Lils, I just had the nightmares again"I reply.

"Ugh, this has got to stop. I can't believe you've only just told me that you've been having these dreams from years" She protests.

"Until recently they are clearer and I've just been remembering more from the dreams. Before I could never remember them when I woke up" I reply.

"What did you remember this time?" She questions.

As i'm about to reply to her, I think about what the women had said to me. "Lily is not just a flower, not just a person, she is connected to everything around us.". I hesitate, I've become weary of people the past few years, but surely if Lily was to mean me harm she would of done it by now. I decide to trust her.

"The women in my dreams said a few things, but she said 'Lily is not just a flower, not just a person, she is connected to everything around us.' What do you think she means by that?" I ask.

I study her face, analysing it. I see her eyes flickers, her face frowns as if she's having a mental argument with herself. "Hmm thats strange, I have no idea, your probs just crazy" She winks at me. "Come on Soso, let's go downstairs, have breakfast and get ready, we don't want to be late on our first day of college" She shouts as she skips off out of my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2021 ⏰

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