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            VICE PRINCIPLE KENNEDY WAS SAT alone in his apartment, drinking straight bourbon as he explored the internet. He was only a quarter of the way drunk when he heard his landline ringing, leading him to curiously answer the restricted number.

           "Excuse me?" His voice slurred through the phone, feeling his head starting to spin from the alcohol.

           "Do you like scary movies?" The rustic voice spoke again.

"Depending on the season?"

           "What's your favorite scary movie?" The voice continued to ask, confusing the man as he listened.

            Although drunk, Arthur Kennedy was already feeling annoyed over this call. Not because of the weird questions but rather that his original plan to relax was already being interrupted.

"Do you mind if I ask who this is?"


With that response, Arthur had hung up the phone, fully believing that it was just a prank call from one of the students at school. He was getting ready to toss the phone away and continue his night before hearing the phone ring once again.

Again, the man had answered the phone and brought it up to his ear, "Hello?"

"Do you like scary movies?"

The same voice, along with the same question had rung through his ears. Not wanting to engage with this person again, he went to hang up.

That was until he heard the voice tisk at his action.

"Who is this?"

"I have a better question," The voice responded, earning a confused expression from Arthur. "Why do you have multiple photos of female students on your table?"

At the question, Arthur's eyes immediately went to the photos and then around his apartment. The hairs on his arms immediately rose, leading a chill to run down his spine.

Furiously, Arthur brought the phone back to his ear, getting ready to respond, but all he heard was a small click— indicating that the phone call had ended.

At that, Arthur continued to gaze around his small apartment, making his way to his kitchen. His eyes stayed trained on all of the doorways he passed as his hand reach for the knife rack, feeling nothing hit his fingertips.

Furrowing his eyebrows, the man had looked towards his hand.

Every one of the knives were gone.


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