before [note]

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if you're reading this it's too late.

dear, (whoever finds this) hopefully it'll be you, lou.

it's twenty-fourth of december at 10:53 in the night while i'm writing this. i'm harry in case you didn't catch on by now. i just wanted to write one of these stupid letters.

to louis, i love you so much baby. you don't know how much you mean to me. thank you for being the best person for me, for being mine. i don't know what i would do without you in my life. thank you for loving me, lou.

to my mother, i hate you.

to my father, i will see you soon.

to gemma, i'll miss you. take care of yourself and my louis for me, will ya?

i have been feeling like this for years now, but i never told you louis, because i didn't wanna see you sad and worried about me. i was the happiest when i was with you and you brought out the best in me- i hope i did the same for you. always be happy, please. and know that this wasn't your fault. i love you with all my heart, louis tomlinson.

all the love, H .xx

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