Chapter 3- Gluttony. I am sorry

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Akira: Chapter 3! Woo! I'm in a role tonight! Here is our loveable Gluttony AKA Luffy!!


____LUFFY POV____

"Damn it Luffy! I told you not to eat that!" A voice shouted at me angrily. Nami, our navigator.

"Yeah! Stop stuffing yourself and making Nami-Swan so stressed!" A blond man with strange, curly eyebrows yelled at me. Sanji, the ships chef.

I just stood there. Allowed them to yell at me.

"I'm sorry." I mutter.

"Sorry's not gonna cover it! Do you realise how much you're costing us with all your eating?! We'll be broke before we reach the end of the week!" Nami hissed.

"Lay off!" A voice yelled at the girl. Zoro. "You DO realise you're also to blame as well, right? You spend so much on clothes it's just as bad as Luffy and eating!" I'm pretty sure he defended me but I'm also pretty sure he insulted me as well..... Yeah that's Zoro...

"Oi, What did you say Marimo?!" Sanji yelled at Zoro. Why can't they just get along?

I end up ignoring them as I head on over to Sunny's head and sit on it, thinking back to how I got here.

I should never have been born.

My father, Dragon, knows this...

My older half brother, Ace, knows this as well....

Oh... I should probably introduce myself, ne?

I am Gluttony, otherwise known as Monkey D Luffy. I am 17 and I am captain of the Strawhat pirates.

I guess I can tell you about myself.

I am, as I've been told a demon child.

___NO ONE POV___

"Mama? When will lil' bro come out?"
Asked a five year old Ace. Head gently on his mothers 6 and a half month pregnant stomach.

"Soon Ace. He'll come out when he is ready. You know you took way longer than he is now, right?" Ace's mother, Portgas D Rogue, smiled to her elder son with her fingers running through her second mates hair. Her mate was just beside her, lying back with his head in her lap.

Her (second) mate is Monkey D Dragon, the Revolutionary.

Unbeknownst to her current husband and son, she is the personification of the Sin - Lust.

Her first mate was a Sin as well as Ace's biological father, Gol D Roger who was known as Gluttony. He was also the pirate king! Rogue was proud when she has found him with a loyal crew, being hunted by Marines and still have time for her.

But he died, he was badly ill and so he allowed himself to be captured and executed.

Rouge nearly died when she felt her red string of fate break. But she had grown severely curious as to why a new thread was made with a small dragon charm attached to it. A new mate? That was strange...

20 months later and she gave birth to Roger's son, Ace.

Sometime later, she had met her second mate. He was a rough looking man that went by the name of Dragon. Rouge thought it was a very strange name to name a child, but as he told her that his father was Monkey D Garp it made perfect sense. Garp was indeed a strange, strange man.

Sadly, due to having Ace for twice the amount of time that she was supposed to, her body wasn't able to survive having a second child.

"Uwaaaaaahhhhhhh" A mothers cry.

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