The Interview (full) Part 1

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I took a moment to take in the sight of the boys standing there looking like complete idiots. I told them to come inside to start the interveiw.

"We brought food for everyone, so you better eat it! Oh and we brought extra so you can eat that." Jongup said. We all got our foods and I was in dire need of something spicy.

"Um guys do you have anything spicy I can add to my food?" I asked.

"I think we have some chilis in the pantry." Himchan said. I walked to the pantry, grabbed the jar of chilis, put a few on my plate and sat back down. When i sat back down the boys all stared at my plate. i gave them a 'What?' look and started eating.

"Aren't you going to get some milk or something?" Jongup said. Daehyun told them about the time in third grade when i won the chili eating contest against the highschoolers. before i could say anything about it i got a text telling me to call the number so I did. The convo went a little like this:

"Hey Elly it's Lelia! I wanna know what u you are doing." She said. I love her personality!

"I am eating with the boys. There is some extra food if you wanna come and join us." I said.

"No there isn't! That is for me later!" YongGuk said in the background.

"Wait is YongGuk there! OMG HE OS SOOOOO SEXY! I'll be there!" She said.

"Okay so I hope you don't mind but.... YONGGUK LELIA THINKS YOUR SEXY!!!!!!!!!! I said to him while still talking to Lelia.

"Why did you tell him that! You know I have a MAJOR crush on him!" She said putting emphasis on major. She was now on speaker making a fool of her self.

"Not trying to be mean but FYI your on speaker! Loser!" I said jokingly.

"Damn you Ella!" Lelia said.

"Love you too. See you soon!" I said and hung up on her. YongGuk looked at me with a surprised expression on her.

"Did she mean that?" He said blushing like a fool. I nodded at him.

"Is she as pretty at her voice?" He asked dreamily.

"Does this answer your question?" I said. I showed him the picture of Lelia and I in London a few months ago. He took the phone and stared at the picture.

"She's beautiful! How long was this taken?" He asked.

"A few months ago but she is still in shape." I said. I heard a knocking on the door and took my phone away from him.

"Hey I wasn't done!" He said.

"Well if you want to meet her answer the door!" I told him. He looked at me and I just nodded again.

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