Chapter 1

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Vera's pov: I never experienced love before I met Lucas, laying beside his almost lifeless body made me realise how dangerously in love I was with him. I had put him into the hospital that night, he should've never cheated on me and this is exactly why. He knew what he was getting himself into when he asked me to be his girlfriend and I never expected myself to actually fall for his childish acts but I did and here we are, in a stingy hospital, laying helplessly beside one another. I didn't mean for my anger to burst as much as it did but when i found out what he'd done I was shattered, it felt like a part of me what gone and I didn't know what else to do. I picked up the knife from the kitchen counter and constantly stabbed him again and again without stopping, ignoring his cries for help and his beginnings for me to stop. I was so devastated by the facts that  he'd betrayed me that I had no care in the world to listen to him. We'd never been this way, we were made for each other and we still are. Our souls are tied and i'm not letting him go but if I can't have him, no one can.

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 16, 2021 ⏰

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