the darkness.

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song for this chapter: black out days •phantogram

It's not a secret that this house has evil all around. Like a vail of dust sitting on vacant furniture. I liked to believe he was like me, attracted to the darkness.

Maybe he was just messed up a bit, like me all torn up by different people. But he is the darkness. maybe that's why I love him.

When I found out the shit he did, what he did to those innocent people, what he did to my own mother, I told him to go away. To leave me alone.

He has for the most part. Because he love's me. But there is a limit to how far he can stay away.
He's stuck here.

We both are.

We're dead.

hey hey, i hope u guys enjoyed this even tho it's v short. not all the chapters will be like this i promise. mh is my favorite season so im trying to do it justice w this. again i have no idea how often ill be updating this but ill be trying to update it pretty regularly.
till next time sluts

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