14 days and counting.

25 0 9

song of the chapter: jealous• eyedress

It's been about two weeks since I found out. Found out that my attempt worked. That i was finally freed from the hell I was trapped in. Or at least that's what I thought. So much was going on and it was overwhelming. I felt that if I killed my self it would stop. I would finally be in control. But the only thing that has changed is my breathing pattern. Or lack there of.

I've always wanted to die. Seems a bit morbid but it's how I feel. Felt. Ever since my dad tore apart this family from the inside out. It started when my mom tried for another kid. She sadly miscarried and we all felt the after math.

My dad seemed to be fine after a while. But only because he found comfort in between  a crazy 22 year olds legs. My mom found him screwing her in their own bed. So we couldn't stay there anymore. Or at least she couldn't.
So we moved here.

Across the country.

Just to be met with more heart ache in this hell hole.
Of course that didn't work. Not that anymore truly thought it would help and/or work.

As a way to cope with everything I had started to cut. I never stopped. Never got clean. While not in till a few weeks maybe a month back. Tate walked in on my in the bathroom cutting and slicing away. He yelled at me to stop. He said I was " mutilating" myself somehow. I now know what he meant by that.
Thinking of that makes me remember when we first met. Or rather first talked. I should have kept my distance from the start.
I should have.
If I had, none of this would have happened.
I should have stayed away.
  Before I let him get to me and let those pills stop my heart.

Before it was to late.

       I wish I had.

HII!! hope u enjoyed this!! again not every chap will need to have tw(s).  should i put little summaries of those chapters that could be triggering in the next chap for those who had might of  skipped over that chapter??see u soon my loves

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