First date

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"Oh Titan," I sigh as I pace back and forth.

Today is my first ever date with amity and there is absolutely no way I can mess this up. This girl is perfect in almost every way shape and form and I have no idea why she said yes to being my girlfriend. She's just so thoughtful and sweet and cute- WAIT get it together Noceda you need to get ready!

"KING," I yell to the tiny demon downstairs. I soon hear running up the stairs before my door is swung open. "Yes, Boo Boo Buddy," he asks looking up to me and giving the cutest little look.

"AYE QUE LINDO," I yell while scooping him up. He tries to escape my grasp but we both know it's futile. It took me a second to remember why I called him upstairs. "Oh king, I sorta need your help with something," I say while putting him down.

"I depends on what it is, Luz," he explained.

"Well today is mine and Amity's first date and I have no idea what to wear. So I was wondering if you would be so kind to help me. I know you don't wear clothes but I don't really trust Hooty or Eda to help me. So what do you say," I ask hoping he agrees.


'Fantastic,' i thought. He may give me a great outfit but it's 11:37 and my date is at 12-WAIT THATS IN 23 MINUTES I GOT TO GO.

I race downstairs almost slipping on the last step trying to find king. I have to go but he was so happy and i cant let him down but also I have a date with Amity. UGH this is difficult, I'll just- I'll just let king do his thing amity is understanding so she'll be fine with it, right?

"OH LUZ, there you are ok so I have this one, which is more casual and it has suspenders! I know it's so fun, then we have this one which is more dramatic," he ends up showing me a outfit that I'm pretty sure they wore in twilight.

"Heh, uh- thanks king but I think I'll go with the brown pants, button up, and suspenders," I say while bending down to grab it out of his paws.

"That is a great choice," he said while walking away.
Before I could head upstairs Hooty stopped me,"personally I would have gone with the dramatic look, hoot!"

"Hooty you don't even have arms- you know what I'm gonna be late," i say while dashing up the stairs during the last part.

Once I get into my room I sigh and look at my phone to check the time to see that it's already, 11:45?! THAT TOOK 10 MINUTES- HOW IN THE BOILING ISLES! OK I GOTTA GO LIKE RIGHT NOW!

I hurry to put the outfit on but you know I just somehow put the pants on backwards. Dang what in the many MANY realms does that girl see in me geez.

After I finish getting dressed and putting my pants on the CORRECT way, I head downstairs. I already did the other things I need to do before changing like showering, brushing my hair and teeth so all I need was shoes. It took me a second to realize that I only have my boots from grom and my normal vans. NONE OF THOSE MATCH MY OUTFIT!

I know what I need to do I just don't want him to take to long. "KING," I call once again. He soon comes running in asking what I needed. "I need dress shoes to match my outfit cause my normal shoes don't match. Can you use your expertise to help me once again," I ask him with a slight hint of rush in my voice.

"I knew you were going to ask so I already have these for you," he said handing the brown leather shoes to me.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH KING ANYWAY I HAVE TO GO I LOVE YOU AND TELL EDA I LOVE HER, BYEEE," I said kissing kings forehead and rushing out the door. I say farewell to hooty before dashing through the forest. I check the time to see it's 12:05- oh shoot I'm already late and I still had about 7 more minutes til I got to our date spot.

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