when you get a night mare

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Hiro and grandpa are not in the home due to work... Tyson and you are alone in the dojo
For few days you are having nightmares so you told Tyson to be in Your room..and he agreed

At night you once again got a nightmare
You were shaking, rolling this side that side...

Tyson: calm down sis it's me.

You are still in your nightmare

Tyson: Wow sis clam down... ( Hugging you)

You woke up and started to cry because it was too scary
He hugged you
Tyson: no problem I am here then he will console you and you go to sleep


when he understood that you got a nightmare he came close to you and started to rub you back

Ray: _____ its okay calm down

you are still having nightmares of chasing by the skeletons

you got up all sudden and hugged your brother 

_____: it was a super scary brother 

Ray: don't worry I am here right beside you I won't let anyone even touch you( hugging you protectively)

then he used some Chinese techniques so that you can have proper sleep.


he would get up and sleep next to you consoling and hugging you... when you wake up

____: brother please be here

max: I am not going anywhere sis I am always here for you

____: thanks brother 

then he goes and brings you a cup of milk with the favorite thing you like to mix with milk except for the caffeine one
when you finish drinking milk

Max: now go to sleep 

____: you nodded you will be here right

Max: yes I am 

then he will hug you tightly but comfortably


when you got a nightmare he will try to say positive words so that you can have positive dreams
when you wake up...( you had a nightmare of Voltaire)( he is scarier than  the ghosts)

you will get scared at first you will think that he is Voltaire

_____: please don't hit me 

kai: ____ calm down it's me

_____: please don't(

Kai: (hugging you protectively) it's me shush calm down

_____: ( you will understand its kai and hugs him tightly) brother ( crying)

Kai: yeah it's me 

_____: i am very scared

Kai: ok now you are fine....drink water and try to sleep I am beside you okay..??

_____: (you nodded) thanks kai-nii( nii- in Japanese brother)

Kai: hmm( rubbing your head)

when you fell asleep he didn't sleep for the whole night in the worry that you will get nightmare again

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