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It could have happened to anyone. It was a day so insignificant to anyone else, but not to me. I never once thought something like that could happen to the likes of me. A man who dismissed the possibility of love at first sight as something only found in children's fairy tales. But it did happen, in real life, the very first day I saw her. I just remember thinking she was the most beautiful piece of creation I had ever seen and I found myself falling for the small smile she gave towards me as she sat opposite.

Now I know what you're probably thinking, " God, that guy is a stalker," it wasn't like that all. It's only when you experience the same thing first hand that you'll understand.

I wanted to talk to her, to say something, but the words were clogged up in my throat and my mouth suddenly grew dry. Just as I had summoned up the courage to introduce myself, we had reached her stop on the subway. Which was coincidentally the one before mine.

But how was I to know she was already in a relationship. I didn't even know her name. Not a thing about her. So why did my heart feel like it was breaking into a million pieces when I saw him wrap his arms around her in a warm embrace as they shared a kiss? Why did I feel so torn apart knowing she could never be a part of my life?

"I wish that guy was me.. " I kept thinking to myself as the doors closed and the subway continued it's daily commute.

Who are you kidding Robert? She has no idea who you are. You're just another guy in the crowd and in her eyes you're just a simple stranger. Of no importance to her whatsoever. She wouldn't even care if you died this second.

But that's not what hurts the most...

I might have just found my soul mate. The one I am supposed to spend the rest of my life with. But I let her slip away without even trying to catch her attention. She's with another man and she seemed happy. I have to forget about her. I'm probably never going to see her again anyway.

Boy I could not have been more wrong. To my surprise, I saw her the next day and every working day after that. Every morning. She would be the highlight of my day. However, each time I saw her it would be a constant battle to summon up the courage and just approach her saying, "Hi I'm Robert."

But I never said a word.

Until one day.

And I am so glad I did.

Because it's true what they say. As unlikely as it may seem, there is always that chance of falling in love at first sight.

((Author's note: Hey everyone so this is a prologue introducing my new story starring Robert Downey Jr as the main character.

I was inspired by the song You're Beautiful by James Blunt and just had to write a story about.

I hope you like this first part, there's a lot planned for this story.

Please comment what you think of the idea

thank you :) ))

At First Sight (Robert Downey Jr)Where stories live. Discover now