~Chapter Thirty Five: Lost Boy~

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Months have past. 

The weather's changing, the clouds are coming in and all the scouts are on high alert due to seeing more zombie activity come in, but despite that everyone else in the village are living their life along with everyone else in the city too. 

"Keep going there Sato! You are almost done!" Mimi calls out to him who's trying to fight off against Shoji.  

"I trying!!" Sato yells before getting hit on the head. 

"Don't let your guard down!" She said to him. While everyone else were training, most of the youngsters were either watching them or just trying to get some rest before they continue. As for Kota, unlike them, he was with Hado, Midoriya, and Mina who were helping him with his training. 

"Keep going you got this!" Mina cheers him on while he continues using his water quirk for long periods of time, but he started to slow down a bit which caught Hado's attention. 

"You alright there, kid?" He asked. Kota stops for only a moment but then he sat down on the floor feeling exhausted. 

"Yeah," He said as he stood up. "Let's keep going."  

"Take a break for a bit," Hado suggested. 

"No! I want to get strong enough and help everyone, like how Midoriya did!" When Midoriya heard that, he couldn't help but smile. 

"Alright then, keep going kid!" Kota took a few deep breaths before continuing on his training.  

Throughout most of the day, everyone have been training, sparing one another, or simply taking a break. 

"Nice work Kota," Midoriya tells him while they went back with the rest of the group. "If you keep this up, you might be stronger than me one day." Hearing his say that made Kota proud of himself and felt this strong desire to one day get there. 

"Now now don't push him too much," Mina said. "Let him enjoy his youth for a bit."  

"I can do both Pinky!" Kota tells her which made her laugh a bit.  

"Alright everyone line up!" Mimi yells for them. Everyone did as they were told and stood there waiting for her order. 

"Okay everyone, since all of you have been training a lot lately, both me and Gramps have been thinking about having each and every one of you to show us what you have been improving on.." While she continued talking about what's to come for their upcoming training, everyone started seeing something out in the distance and from the looks of it it was growing rapidly. 

"What the heck is that thing?" One of the youngsters pointed at it. Both Mimi and Hado were confused and looked behind. 

"What the hell?" Hado said. Everyone just stood there seeing this balloon version of a young boy with a scared look on his face. While everyone else was wondering why there is a boy standing out in the open, Kota just stood there with a worried look on his face. 

"H-he's lost..." He said to himself. "I-I Gotta Find Him!!" Both Mina and Midoriya heard what Kota was saying and they were wondering what he meant, but before they could even say anything to him, he started running towards where the balloon boy was. 

"Kota!!" Everyone looked at him and went after him. 

"Where are you going kid?!" Hado yelled out to him as he tries to grab him. 

"Kota what you are saying? Who is this boy?" Midoriya asked. Everyone was either asking him questions or trying to catch him. Kota didn't answer them at all. His only focus was the lost boy that he knew. Once he was close enough to the fences, he started using his water guns as rockets to lift himself up and stood where two scouts were. 

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