W9 - Patient vs Doctor (93-115)

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In the cafe, the sound of the piano spreads everywhere.

Slender hands reached the white porcelain coffee cup on the table. The system whispered in Qiao Jiuyue's ear: "A hundred meters in front, the piano player is the object that the host needs to be transformed. The name is Mu Chuxia, 25 years old, Mu's group's Qianjin. His parents died in a car accident five years ago. He later took over Mu's, and he took care of it. Three years ago, he married Song Tianxu, the heir of Song, a leading domestic company, but he forced each other with a paper agreement."

"Mu Chuxia's bone marrow matches exactly with Song Tianxu's first love lover. Song Tianxu agreed to save the life of his first love, but unfortunately, after a successful bone marrow transplant, his first love lover died after half a year."

Qiao Jiuyue raised her eyebrows. This is a free and sad relationship with President Mary Su. You don't have to think about what's going on. "So Song Tianxu hates Mu Chuxia, and Mu Chuxia loves Song Tianxu's love to die?"

"Yes, the host guessed right. Mu Chuxia wanted to threaten Song Tianxu. Naturally proud Tian Tianxu felt humiliation. Coupled with the death of his first love, he became even more disgusted with Mu Chuxia. Mu Chuxia took the initiative to divorce Song Tianxu a year ago. After jumping into the sea and committing suicide, he was rescued by local fishermen. Zhu Ma Ningkai, who had always loved Mu Chuxia, found her and took her to S City, but Mu Chuxia suffered from moderate depression."

"What about Song Tianxu?"

"Song Tianxu learned that Mu Chuxia was dead and was dying for life, and then suddenly realized that he had fallen in love with Mu Chuxia unconsciously, regretting what he had done before, and confessed that she was dead, and secretly sent someone to inquire. ."

Qiao Jiuyue chuckled, with a slight sarcasm in his tone, "Slavery, deserve it!"

"The original is a doctor, 27 years old, aristocratic background, the family power is huge, but only scattered abroad, a month ago, the original was invited by Shuguang Hospital to return to work, today is the third day of the original return to the country, also The doctor who will soon treat Mu Chuxia."

There is no power and no power in the country, it seems that this system is really painstaking!

"Shuguang Hospital? Why doesn't this name sound like a mental clinic or a mental hospital?!"

"Neither, it is a regular hospital with advanced medical treatment."

Qiao Jiuyue laughed and said: "Regular hospital? Oh, why don't you find a psychiatrist for depression? What's the use of looking for the original body? Craniotomy can also cure brain disabilities?

"This is arranged by Mu Chuxia's Zhu Ma Ningkai, because he is afraid that Mu Chuxia will be stimulated when he knows."

Qiao Jiuyue put down the coffee cup in his hand and said lightly: "Is the condition of the original body still? I can't stop it!"

"The host guessed right again. The original family and Song Tianxu's family are dead enemies. In the early years, in order to compete for territory abroad, the family fighting between the families died, and then the Qiao family won. The original grandfather entered the Daubate family. Rooted successfully abroad, the Song family moved to the country."

"The host's task this time is to transform Mu Chuxia and increase her happiness value, and the happiness value cannot be brought to her by Song Tianxu, and the host wants to defeat Song Tianxu."

Let her come to this dragon pool tiger cave alone, and fight the Song family alone, poisonous enough, it is worthy of the system!

The system continued to make up the knife: "According to the system test, Mu Chuxia's obsession index with Song Tianxu reached 75, and his love was 60; while Song Tianxu's love, regret, and obsession with Mu Chuxia all achieved full marks."

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