ONE: Senior Year

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My natural body clock awakes me at 6am

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My natural body clock awakes me at 6am. I open my eyes, and glance around my room as I sit up on my large bed. Thrown across the floor is my greyish quilt, presumably because of a nightmare I endured last night. To my left, I glance to the tall window, covered by a sheer grey curtain. Slowly getting out of my comfort, I make my way to said window and open the curtains. Light infiltrates my room, allowing the greenery scattered around my room to thrive.

My mind is blank this morning, for once in my life there is no sound, no constant chatter and no overthinking in my brain. Feeling calm, I walk across my room to the double doors. Entering the small room, I change from my pink silk pyjamas to a cute black Nike crop top and Nike shorts. I had decided to work out this morning, as I do most days of the week. I need to stay in peak physical condition – always. I will never know what can happen at any minute. While I may get intel on future raids, and future assassinations, things can change, in a single split of a second, I could be dead. I'm not invincible, but I try my best to be.

Walking to my kitchen, I open the pantry to grab the food for my cat. Taking out the biscuits, I shake the container and running towards me is my beautiful grey cat.

"Hi there baby," I speak to him as I walk to his food bowl. "You hungry, Kevin?" I ask tipping the container letting small round biscuits fall into the bowl as Kev tries to catch as many as he can. I pat his head and mutter small praises. He is a good boy.

I walk back into the kitchen and place the biscuits back in their place. I then pull open my fridge and take out my pink water bottle.

Making my way to my gym. Black equipment surrounds me, with a large mat in the middle of the room.

I place my water bottle down and get to work, setting an alarm for 7am, which is when I need to get ready to attend school. Placing the phone down near my water bottle, I decide to do a small run as a warmup.

I hop onto the machine, and I begin the cardio. Minutes later, a thin layer of sweat covers my skin. I continue to run, faster and faster, until I cannot breathe anymore. My heart pounding, and my legs burning.

I push myself to go further, keep going. Pushing my limits. Feeling robotic as I repeat the same moves over and over.

Then I break, my limits pushed to their full potential, I cannot go further but I must.

I am always in a constant battle within myself. I need to stay away but I long for the comfort of my father, for my best friend, for my old life. I know I can't though, I know deep down, that it is for the best. Who knows how long my torturous life would have gone on for? How long I would stand the abuse and torment?

But knowing that young girl, the innocence she strived for, was broken each and every time he stepped into her house. I knew I made the right decision, because for once, I know, I needed to save myself, while sacrificing myself, ensuring that he could never take the innocence of anyone anymore.

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