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There are different explanations
for what true love is
some say it doesn't exist
I formerly said it was stupid
because it made people do stupid things
but you changed that view.

Now, if I'm asked the meaning of true love
I'll just smile.
“True love is the ability to see
through a person as well as
their rights and wrongs
and yet focus on the rights
without disregarding the wrong”

It is the ability to overlook
a person's bad side
and work on bring out the good one

True love is when you see him sweating
and all you wanna do is to hug him
and wipe his face.

True love is when you learn
how to knot a tie
because he sometimes walks
around with his tie loose and you just
want to knot it for him

All this and more are what
what I feel like doing for you

I hate you
No I don't
I like you
No I don't
I love you
Yes I do.....

Math class.

It feels like forever,the only person with me right now is Theo,Vincent and Anita. All of us being members of the art department. So today's supposed to be my birthday, I know what some would say " hurray yay for me". I don't celebrate it.

It's not because I don't want to but its a religious thing, well that and the fact that my dad sees no reason to celebrate birthdays. He saw it as one of those holidays made up to keep people at home and when you do think about it, it's kinda true.

I mean, so you were born today, big whoop. No one really cares. Who would care about a whole day dedicated to you, and it's not entirely dedicated to you. It's not like you were the only one born on that day, your just part of the fortunate one In a million people the big One above decided to drop off on that day.

      Don't get me wrong, my dad is the best dad a girl could ever ask for. There are four children in my family including me. My sister Maybelle and my two brothers Akin and Toby. My father would always take us out on random times and sometimes we would all sit down on the living room sofa eating take outs or he would just randomly buy gifts for us. It's just that my dad sees things more differently than other parents would.


And there goes the bell.
Theo and Vincent choose to stay behind to chat a little and catch up on things before leaving while Anita decided to head over to the library. Which leaves me to walk alone.

Not that I was offended or anything, I knew that they had things to do, besides Theo and Vincent were gonna catch up with me. I was going to meet up with Mario under the trees in the school front.

As I was going on the hallway chatting Mario up that I would soon be there in a bit I bumped into something hard, cliche, I know. Turns out it was just Nomolos , our head boy, a very hot head boy might I add coming up to a six foot five with a well defined jaw, long lashes high cheekbones pink lips that you could almost feel the softness of them just by looking, dark skin with neck length hair and deep blue eyes almost black.

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