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i give up
my resistance is useless against him
my plans failed
we spoke today for a pretty long time
we moved from topic to topic
we talked about anything to basically everything

i'm glad he stopped me on the hallway
i was in a wores mood but our 'chat' helped me forget all about my life drama

he said he would protect me
and i'm sure he will

as cheesy as it sounds
i wish that we weren't interrupted by the bell
which broke the spell of calmness that i felt at that moment

good news tho
he hugged me
it was so unexpected and weird when he did
lemme start from when he called me after the closinTERg bell when i was walking downstairs with Theo and Anita

we passed the west wing hallway
we talked for what felt like forever
and then it looked like as if he had something on his mind and i thought he would say good bye but he hugged me all of a sudden.......

Waking up to the birds chirping,another day of school ahead,thankfully its friday and tommorow im gonna sleep in.
going to my play list putting on sixty nine by Ariana Grande,Doja Cat and Magan.

i had a feeling that today was gonna be special,i had a good feeling that something good was gonna happen.

Dancing across the room with the music blasting from my speakers, luckly my room was sound proof unless i know that my dad would come barging in here like a bull telling me to lower the volume and i know that that would just have been a new argument this morning and i was not looking forward to that.

Its so strange that i talk bout my dad so much well my mum is very cool shes the best mum that any daughter could ask for and very fashionable too i think nthats where i got my love for jwellries from and we rarely have argments.

Lets just say that i'm a daddy's girl even though me and my dad argue all the time, have a lot of diffrences and have diffrient views of life,dosen't mean that i love him any less.

in a few miniutes im already at the front door and my dad was horning for me at the driveway to hurry up.

on our way we were to pick up Mario because he lives very close to us.

' good morning Mr Anderson.'

around my parents mario was the ever polite one, the one that could do no wrong, they even thought that i was a bad influence on him and he loved basking in that glory. mario was honestly the crudest person you'd ever meet, well next to Theo.

we arrived at the school front and saw Theo waiting for us, no doubt that Vincent was running late because she would usually oversleep and Anita was aleady at school. there was also someone beside him, when i looked closer i saw nomolos standing beside him and it looked like as if they were conversing.

i came down from the car to reluctantly meet Theo because in case you missed it i have a big crush on Nomolos.

We exchanged greetings and we went into the school, i avoided looking at nomolos and stared more at my shoes and the floor getting a new facination with the gray whitish tiles.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2021 ⏰

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