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After the sweetbuns, NazUnion was tired and napping in Ultrium's lap, his wings twitching as he slept.  Ultrium smiled and felt the wings in his large hands, being gentle with them as he caressed the Union in his arms. His eye glowed as he tried to not cry, his ray of sunshine ment so much to the Thorian and he wanted to protect him from the world's prying eyes. Ultrium hummed somekind of long forgotten Thorian lullaby as he tried to calm his deep nerves. In his own little world, the monarcy let his tears spill into NazUnion's soft hair, taking shuddery breaths as he looked at the Union's calm face. Ultrium's heart felt very heavy, he hated dealing with emotions and he wanted this to stop, he hatd the fact he was crying for seemingly no god damn reason. NazUnion stirred and he lifted his head to seeing Ultrium's wet face, and the Union did somthing he would never regret. He had kissed the worried Thorian's cheek (his headwing tickling Ultrium's face) and purred softly. Ultrium held NazUnion's body closer to his and the two embraced the other as this moment was sealed in their minds forever.  NazUnion felt his body ache and he wanted to go home, to curl up next to the Thorian's chest and sleep forever. The Union made a soft cry and the Thorian carried NazUnion to the car,  laying him in the car's front passenger's seat and buckled him in (being gentle with the wings). Ultrium smiled and cradled NazUnion's face before shutting the door and walking to get in to the other side. The Thorian got in and put on his seatbelt before turning on the car, watching NazUnion sleep.  Now the car wasn't fancy or new, just a modern day two-seater, but it was perfect. Ultrium had gotten it when he was looking for a new car after it was totaled in a car wreack. NazUnion's soft sneeze made Ultrium return to reality, and he smiled, it kinda hurt to smile, but he didn't mind the pain when NazUnion smiled back at him. This made him feel good on the inside as he cherished the smiles and soft purrs from the Union. The Thorian had to make a pit stop to fill the gas tank and NazUnion got out of the car and wanted to help. Ultrium smiled and he was stumped, he had not remebered the car fuel grade (the Thorian had bought the car just a few weeks ago and NazUnion made most of the gas payments). NazUnion pressed the 87 grade and his wings flapped noiselessly as he smiled up at Ultrium. The Thorian patted NazUnion's head and he filled up the car as he kept watch of the people around. NazUnion made a big sniff and he coughed, his lungs were never the best and he really needed to see a doctor about it but he kept pushing it off. Ultrium popped his back and the car was filled up, NazUnion putting back the hose and Ultrium pressed "no" for the promt on the screen. NazUnion felt his heart flutter as he got into the car. Right before Ultrium drove the car form the gas station NazUnion muttered three words...

"I love you..."

A Thorian's SunshineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora