Chapter Three: Liebe...~

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The Thorian was taken aback, looking at NazUnion with his eye. Ultrium's face broke into a fat grin and he hugged NazUnion. NazUnion blushed, hugging back, sittling himself in Ultrium's lap. The two nations were red and blushing, hands on their bodies. NazUnion felt something stir in his chest and he moaned in Ultrium's ear to see what would happen. The Thorian gripped NazUnion's ass and roughly spanked him, earning a loud moan. "We continue at home." Ultrium growled, setting NazUnion back in his chair and buckled him up. NazUnion was blushing, he had no idea his Thorian was thinking the same thing he was. He loved Ultrium, and Ultrium loved him back, to the point where lust and desire would leave them begging for more. Ultrium kept a hand on NazUnion's thigh, rubbing it and squeezing it with his hand as he drove home. Ultrium was the opposite of careful, he was running twenty over the limit. They made it home in one piece, but they didn't go inside. NazUnion and Ultrium started to make out, both unable to keep their hands to themselves. The Thorian growled something in his native tongue, pinning NazUnion to his chair and was right above him. NazUnion was red and he covered his face in his hands, his wings fluffed out. Ultrium took NazUnion inside and set him down on the couch as he shut the curtains. NazUnion was rubbing his thighs together, which Ultrium stopped as he could see NazUnion's bulge in his pants grow larger. Ultrium traced NazUnion's hips and thighs, purring and softly growling as he felt his Union quiver. NazUnion was repinned to the couch, his hips snapped up in a very sexual position. He felt every throb from Ultrium, making him quiver and whine.

"Please.." NazUnion whined out, looking off to the side as he was too red from this alone. Ultrium hushed him.

"I'm doing my way." He said, biting NazUnion on the neck and suckling on it. His sharp teeth made contact with NazUnion's skin, drawing blood. NazUnion moaned, his body jolting and melting, it felt so good to him. Ultrium purred at this, licking the wound he made. He let NazUnion go and left the room, leaving NazUnion whining and begging. Ultrium was hiding the bathroom because he realized his terrible mistake, he had marked NazUnion. He had two issues, a horny boyfriend and a hickey. Ultrium took a deep breath and walked out, he was no longer turned on, but his boyfriend sure wasn't.

"Why'd you leave? We were just getting started..." NazUnion purred, sitting in Ultrium's lap.

"No, we can't, It's too dangerous, I'll rip you in two." Ultrium said as NazUnion snickered, the Union was laughing and he forgot he was horny. The two snuggled instead, the Thorian holding his little angel. NazUnion went to sleep, but Ultrium didn't, he wanted to keep NazUnion safe and sound, so when he was asleep, he held him until he too fell asleep. Sleep never came for the Thorian, he kept himself entertained with the feathers on NazUnion's wings. "So pretty..." Ultrium whispered to himself as he felt his eye get heavy. Finally, the pair were asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2022 ⏰

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