11 - Flower

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Heaven's POV
2 Days Later...

"Heaven, wake up. Your manager's waiting for you at the living room"

I felt a soft tap on my arms and soft voice waking me up.


"Your manager's here" she repeated

I opened my eyes and saw Hyejin unnie

"Oh unnie~ I'll be there in a second" I sat up and stated

"I'll tell him. If you're going out, please check the appliances in our kitchen, okay? We're now going" she reminded me as I just nodded

I stayed in my bed for a few more seconds before I decided to walk my way to our bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth

As I walk, I saw Manager Seo patiently waiting for me

"Waeyo oppa?" I sleepily asked him

"Take a shower, we're going to the company" he told me

"Eehh?? I don't have work today" I reminded him but he laughed at me

"Sudden schedule. You'll like it, for sure. Go take a shower, I'll just go get your iced choco and breakfast. I'll wait you at the car" he gave me a pat on my head and left

"Extra Choco syrup, oppa!" I exclaimed right before he can fully close the door

"Noted!" He answered

I went straight to our room to get my clothes before walking back to the bathroom

I just did what I usually do every morning and since Manager Seo already went to get my breakfast, I don't have to cook anymore

"Oh... Kitchen" I reminded myself as I took my bag

I walked for just a few meters where he parked the company car but still wasn't in there so I just decided to squat down and wait for him to come back

"YA! What are you doing there?!" Manager Seo was shock to see me sitting alone

"Waiting for you" I smiled as I stood up

"You should have waited for me at the bench" he told me while handing me my food and drink

"It's fine, Thank you for getting me my breakfast" I told him

"Don't worry, I'll charge when you already became famous" he teased

"Sure! As long as you won't leave me behind" I teased back as I get inside the car that made him laugh

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