Chapter 4

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Nagisa POV
It had been a few weeks, and the first major tests of the year were fast approaching. We had a math unit assessment on Thursday and our English grammar test was on Friday. English was no sweat, but math, well that was another story.

I had started studying last week, but I still barely understood what was happening. Something about units and limits of who even knows. It was already Tuesday, so I was staying up late studying for this test.

Reading books, going over notes, watching videos: I was so far out of the loop not even the Indian guys on YouTube could help. I was half-panicking, half-studying when I was all of a sudden interrupted by a buzz.

K: Hey stupid! Your gud at english right?

A bit of an understatement considering I was ranked 5th in all of Japan. But sure. Good. Although she obvious wasn't as evidenced by her text which she foolishly tried to send in English.

N: Yes, why? Also, it's late! What if I was sleeping?

I replied in Japanese to make both our lives easier.

K: Please! You would've woken up for me dumbass! I bet you were just sitting there waiting for my text!

Did she install a camera or something while I was gone?

K: And no I didn't install a camera or anything. You're just so damn predictable, stupid!

N: ...can you read my mind now?

K: no, wtf, of course not! You're so stupid. Makes my next question seem useless.

N: What was it?

K: I was going to say that you can help me study for Friday's test.

N: I can? What if I don't want to?

K: Trust me. You want to.

N: what do I get in return?

K: how about me not whooping your ass?!

N: how about you help me study for math then? Pleaseeeee?

K: Fine, meet me at the café after school tomorrow.

N: What café?

K: offline

Great. Very helpful. Not like there's 50 cafés in a two mile radius.


After school ended on Wednesday, I was planning on just following Kayano to the place, but she was long gone. She must've left early. So I was stuck with the task of finding the right café out of the 500 possibilities. Worst part was that she said she'd slap me once for every minute I was late. This was gonna suck.

Just as a Hail Mary, I decided to check that café that her friend worked at since she seemed to frequent there. Thankfully for my skull, she was there, tucked in the same booth as last time.

"Hey Kayano, how are you?" I greeted her in English, trying to catch her off guard.

"H-hello." she was slow, yet deliberate. Her pronunciation was quite good as well.

"Sugoi! Quite good!" I slipped back into Japanese so we could talk.

"Whatever, shut up, baka!" She turned her head away, but I could still see her cheeks flushing.

"Hehe, sorry. Let's get started then..." I tried to change the subject, but I had to admit that she was really cute just then.

Time Skip

"Oh I get it! So a direct object is who or what the action done unto!" She exclaimed. We had only been working for half an hour, but she had quickly picked up on all the grammar rules that she needed.

"Perfect! You're really smart, you know that Kayano?" I couldn't help but compliment her. And her blush made getting slapped well worth it.

"Whatever, baka..." she said, her entire face turning pink. "What do you need help with in math?" She asked, trying to brush off the blush and move on with tutoring.

"Uh, well, all of it? But I guess we'll start with...what's the 'Unit circle'?"

"So smart and you don't even get this?! Dumbass!"

Time Skip

"Oh, oh I got it now! The sine is the y-coordinate and cosine is the x-coordinate! That made a lot more sense! You're such a good teacher!" I had a careless moment, and finally it started clicking. Maybe I was just teasing her with the compliment, but I really enjoyed seeing her blushing. It made me feel warm inside.

"Yes, you baka!" She gave me my favorite sight, her face turning dark red. "And, uh, thank you..." he whispered.

"What for?" I said in-between bites of "the usual."

"For helping me. You can be kinda useful sometimes..." she looked up at me with gentle eyes for once, only for them to replaced by hard ones when we both realized her blush. "...when you're not being a dumbass!"

"You're welcome. And thank you as well, tsuny."

"I'm not a tsundere!" She yelled at me, slapping me all while blushing like a tomato.

'Yeah I'm sure of it now. I should hate her for being arrogant, mean, and overall my nemesis, but I don't. In fact, I like her. Like like her. A lot. Especially when she gets all tsundere like...kawaii!'

"What are you staring at, dumbass?!" She yelled as she scarfed down a burger, cheese all over her face.


She was such a tsundere.

But at least...




She was my tsundere.

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