Chapter 5

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Nagisa POV
Ever since that study session, thangs changed a little. Kayano chose to be my partner a lot more, even if she was blatantly rude about it. I didn't mind, as long as she was with me.

I had changed a bit too. Since I realized my feelings for Kayano, I had become a lot more confident. You might even call me pushy. I tried to spend more time with her, as a "friend" or I'd wait by her locker so we could walk home. Little things like that.

Today was no different. We were walking home, Kayano trying her best to separate herself from me, but that was useless. Eventually, she started to walk normally, so I walked right by her side.

"Hey Kayano, I need to tell you something..."

"What do you want, dumbass?!" She said, shooting me a glare.

"Well, uh, I'll just say it. I know I should probably hate you..."


"But for some reason, I like you. Like like like you. And I know you feel the same way, don't you?" I said confidently.

"Well, uh, n-no! I-I hate y-you!" Her words were there, but her face gave her away. It had turned bright red as I confessed.

"No, you don't."

"I-I do! I mean I-I-I h-hate you!" She then slapped me right across my blushing face, but I couldn't feel it.

I looked back at her with a big smile. "I'll just have to prove it to you then! Trust me, you'll be saying those three words to me very soon!"


From that day onwards, I made sure to convince her of her love for me. I knew she had feelings for me in there, I just had to strengthen them so they could overpower her stony exterior.

I made sure to be extra nice to her. I didn't call her tsuny (at least out loud), and I tried to not irritate her as much. I gave her some personal space, but, to make sure she never forgot about me, I left her random acts of kindness. A note in her locker, a pudding to cheer her up on a hard day, just generally making her feel good.

I also went a little further than just a friend. I'd try to hold her hand while we were walking, her not noticing at first until she blushed deep red when she did. I even tried to protect her when I could. I always carried an extra umbrella for her as well as an extra jacket in her size, even if I no longer had space for my English binder. A small price to pay for love.

Even when she wasn't around, I protected her. One day, as I was walking home, I heard some kids making fun of her for being so odd. I couldn't let that slide. I went up to them, and let's just say they nor anyone else will be saying anything about her for a long time.

Sure I got detention and a mark on my record, but that and a scolding from my mom were nothing when it came to Kayano. I'd do anything, suffer anything if it was for her. Whether she knew it or not, I loved her.


It was early January, a day before school started up again. My advances were generally rejected, failing to bring any meaningful results. But I could see they were slowly having an impact on her. Asano was slowly warming up to me, and she was always blushing lightly when we were together. Perhaps my plan was working.

But today, I woke up to a surprise.

It was the middle of the night and I was sleeping soundly when I suddenly felt cold metal on my neck. Silently, my hands got the gun from my side table, pressing it to the skull of my assailant.

"Whoa, whoa, clam down. It's me!" Kayano's voice reach out in the darkness as what I presumed was a knife moved away from my neck.

Reaching over, I put the gun down, sure to turn on the safety, and flicked on my lamp. Looking over at the girl sitting on top of me, I asked, "Why'd you wake me up with a knife?! At midnight?!"

"Uh, better question. Why the fuck do you have a gun?!" She yelled, slipping the knife into her coat pocket.

"When you live alone, you take precautions. This is one of them." I said, cool as a cucumber as I slipped my gun back into the drawer. "But anyways, why are you in my room at night? Straddling me?"

"Don't say it like that, baka!" She said, slapping me, despite the very visible blush on her cheeks from my provocative questions. "I-I need a f-favor..."

"What?! Why? I though you hate me?" I said in a very sarcastic tone.

"Whatever dumbass. I just need somewhere to stay or else my dad is going to ship me off to America to go to some all-girls catholic school. I've watch enough hentai to know what happens in places like that. No thanks, I'm into guys." She explained, still straddling my hips.

"Guys like me?" She just shot me an angry glare. "Kidding, kidding! But, why me then? Why not one of your other friends. Like uh, what's her name, Kanzaki?"

"Uh, ummmmm, uhh...because...uh, my dad knows her, so uh, he'll check with her first! Yeah! So I'll just stay here until he gives up!" She obviously came up with that excuse on the spot, but I didn't really care as long as she was with me. And by the state of her cheeks, she was just as excited as me.

"So what, you gonna live with me forever?" I teased.

"No dumbass! I don't even want to live with you! I just don't have a choice!"

"Mhmmm, sure. It's okay, I understand my little tsuny!" I teased again, trying my best to rile her up.

"One I'm not little. Two I'm not a tsundere! And three, I'm not y-yours!" It was so cute how she stuttered when she talked about us. "I hate you, baka!" She said, jumping off my bed with a huge blush.

"I'll be back with my stuff later. Be ready, dumbass!" And with that, the love of my life jumped out my bedroom window.


How do you guys like tsundere Kayano? I think she's too cute. Or maybe it's just cause I have a thing for tsunderes. Or maybe cause I am one. Who knows.
Anyways, comments, questions, grammar, and suggestions are always welcome below!
Arigato gozaimasu!


Tsun Tsun KayanoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang