Rowan Walsh

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Name: Rowan Walsh 

Birthday: February 3rd

Gender: Male

Zodiac sign: Aquarius 

Species: Human 

Powers: None

Nationality: Irish 

Spoken languages: English, broken Irish 

Looks/face claim: Tartaglia from Genshin Impact 

Looks/face claim: Tartaglia from Genshin Impact 

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Piercings: His ear studs and his left nipple is pierced (ehe, will get story if you're lucky)

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Piercings: His ear studs and his left nipple is pierced (ehe, will get story if you're lucky)

Tattoos: None 

Other body features: currently he has none, currently

Smokes: No

Drinks: No

Strengths: He's not a buff fellow but he has some good extra arm muscle that makes him seem inhuman at times along with him healing a bit faster than others. It's probably because of his body being used to being harmed so often that it's gotten used to pain and needing to heal fast. 

Flaws: His need to do something dangerous at any day or time of the day. He loves to act irrationally and do stunts that could put him in harms way, he calls them his 'curious' moments'


Rowan is that one guy that everyone knows as being trouble. People say he's a trouble magnet and always causes problems. It's not a lie but it's not intentional. He does get into quite bad situations at times which is only because of his impulsive behaviour and need to do some things which is clearly seen as dangerous. If you ignore that aspect about him, he's just another kind and awkward person. He loves to get along with others and be social, caring to those he meets and befriends. Sometimes he does tend to be awkward as well, for example those he just meets or people he likes a lot. Theres nothing grand about his personality.

Physical conditions: No broken bones at the moment 

Mental illnesses: None that he's been diagnosed with 

Likes: Facing challenges, music, animals 

Dislikes: Sour foods, homework, staying in one spot for too long


Father - contact
Mother - contact 
Uncle - contact (lives with him currently

Pets: A grey rat named Tatoui 

Hobbies: Playing the drums (in a school band and outside band with his friends) but he also plays the guitar, writing music and inciting chaos- he also likes trying sports for a short time then giving it up easily 

Occupation: Band drummer, part timer on weekends at an animal shelter

Back story: 

Rowan's had a normal life for the most part, his parents were loving and caring of him but the only problem was that they were barely home. His mother is an astronaut so it means she's away on travel assignments from months to years. His father did international trading and stocks, so he was busy with business as well. They'd be together once a year if he got lucky, he didn't blame them but he felt lonely since he was an only child and because of that he lives with his uncle in America and luckily was still able to learn about his heritage. Though Rowan remembers once when he got injured that resulted in his arm being casted and his parents were immediately rushing over to whatever work he had. Because of that incident he let himself act more recklessly, getting injured frequently that caused his parents to come over which went on for a couple of years but after one hard scolding he had to stop this dumb behavior but that didn't break his habit of being reckless so he still got injured a lot. He was then introduced to band and became passionate about it, being able to perform and every few months at games his parents would make time to come and see him which made him love the activity even more.

Theme song: The Walker by Fitz and the Tantrums 

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