(Y/n) (L/n)

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There she sat in the middle row in the back, having a thought session as break took on. A second year that barely had a clue as to what went on yet still kept decent grades


Notice how I said that

She was trying to have some form of thoughts today. Yesterday, it was about the Bermuda Triangle. The day before?

Why she still hasn't gotten a Job yet

But, she sat that to the side, she already had an answer

She was just lazy

Once she was done with her final thoughts, she looked to the board to see what they were going to do today

Only to spot something drawn on it instead

"Oooh! Looks like Someone has a crush on Nishinoya!"

That's when she noticed this Boy yelling at the board. But, he looked happy? Flustered? He was even rubbing his head and was boisterous about it

She glanced to the Girl next to her and then tapped her arm "'cuse me"

The girl looked her way with a polite smile "Yeah? Something up, (L/n)-San?"

The Girl pointed her thumb to the board, directing the other to the umbrella with a heart on it and names in Kanji under it

"What does that mean?"

The girl stared at it before sweatdropping. She's known this girl ever since last year but, God. She didn't think she was living under a rock-

The Girl laughed "That means that they're in love. It's something that people like doing to tease people"

"Have you gotten one?"

The bronze haired girl looked back to the board with a faint smile "...No, I haven't. I-"

"Damn, do people not like you or something?"

The girl flinched "I-I..."

The other Girl rubbed her chin "Maybe someone just doesn't like your hair?"

She flattened her lips

"Maybe they haven't seen what you got yet"

She began to brighten just a little, becoming hopeful

"Regardless of the small curves you have, they'll pop in soon"

She then went back to sulking

"Ouch, think you were a bit too honest there, (L/n)-San"

The Girl looked to the other side of the bronze haired individual to see another Girl with brown hair and a soft smile "Don't worry, you'll get a Boyfriend soon, Riya-Chan"

The Girl, Riya Hajime, lift her head up and glared "I do have a Boyfriend!"

The two surrounding her perked up, shock evident on their faces as they stared at their Classmate intently

"You do?!"

"Since when?"

Riya glared even harder ad the embarrassment settle in from their gazes

"Why are you both surprised!"

The bronzette crossed her arms and looked down "...We've been dating for some weeks now"

The brunette gaped at her "And you didn't think to tell me!"

The other Girl chuckled "It's fine, Hajime-San. I just hope it's someone you actually like, y'know" She then looked to the other girl "Isha-San, what do you think?"

"I hit it!" (Haikyu!! X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now