Black and Yellow

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"Asahi Azumane?"

The Male smiled and nodded, rubbing the back of his head. He had just told her his name so she wouldn't be as scared "Yeah, that's me. Sorry I scared you. You just looked so angry"

The girl shrugged "Meh, it happens" She then froze and looked back do the way, her face falling once she saw that her target was now nowhere to be seen.

"So...Did something happen?"

She looekd back to him, her face as blank as ever. And yet, this caused him to flail his arms around in a panic "Not that you have to tell me, I was just checking up on you! You looked upset and all and I was really worried! I'm sorry if I offended you or anything, I didn't mean to! You see, I don't really talk to Girls and I don't have a good history with many and I get nervous and I scare people away too much! I might be rambling too, I'm so--"

"Do you know what a Vollyball is?"

He stopped himself and then stared at her as she watched with a full expression of pure focus


"And who asked you to do this?"

The girl smiled "Two of my Friends" She then laughed at the brunette as he exhaled "I can't expose their identities off that quick"

A small smile grew on his face as she laugehd again. This girl was both confusing and somewhat relaxing

In a way-

Soon, he stopped and then sat his hand on a handle. But, before he opened it, he looekd down to her "Be careful, ok? There's a lot of balls flying around in here"


Asahi deadpan with his smile and then opened the door, stepping in as the sounds of running and slamming occurred to their ears. He looked back to see her giving the room a look of awe as she stepped inside with him.

She watched at how fast they were and how muscular they looked in the legs. She admired them for that, that means they had great ass muscles, afterall

Asahi lift a hand "See? Pretty nice, r--BLACK AND YELLOW!"

The girl snapped out of her trace and looked to a growing shadow that came to her face. But, she soon felt something smack her in her forehead, the pressure knocking her back

Asahi stared in horror and plain shock as he watched her fall. He didn't see anything! How the hell did this happen!?

Once her back hit the floor, that's that's it ran quiet in the area. All pairs of eyes went Asahi's way as he stared at a body on the floor

His eyes then went wide before he sat his bag down and bent, looking down at her as he asked question after question

"Hey! Hey! Are you ok!? I'm so sorry! I should've blocked it!"

He stopped himself as she lift a hand, making it into a thumbs up and slowly smiling


She then fixed herself and sat up some, Asahi helping her as she went. He kept a hand on her back, making sure to keep it in place as she rubbed her head.

She then burst into laughter, a wide smile popping onto her face

The few that began to walk their way froze and gave her strange stares as she did so. But, she just continued to smile and laugh

"No pain, no gain!"

She looked forward and stared at the group surrounding them "That was so cool!"

They all gave her equal looks of confusion and worry, hoping that the ball didnt hit her too hard

"You dumbass!"

She looked to the side to find two boys. And one of them happened to be the--

"Learn how to fix your goddamn recieves, it's not that hard!"

"Ahh! Help!"

It's the orange one!

He looked scared too. This other dude was holding him by his shirt pretty hard. And so, in a fit of an adrenaline rush, she sat up and ran his way.

Asahi reached out for her as she raced away "Hey, wait!" Yet, my Man didn't even get a grip on her.

As she ran their way, the taller one soon began to notice a presence. He froze and then let the orange haired one go, staring at the girl as she ran to them

But, instead of her doing anything, she first went up to the short one and grabbed his hand. This caused him to freeze up and stare as she stared into into eyes, showing the intensity she shared in them. She clutched his hand tighter and smiled brightly as the red mark on her forehead shined through

"Do you know Kozume?"


Ding Dong


The Woman glanced to the door as she sat in her living room. She then stood from her seat and walked over to it

She looekd through the little hole and then unlocked the door, staring up at the two in front of her "Oh, hello"

"Hello, Ma'am!"

"It's a pleasure to meet you!"

She stared in surprise as the two held out two containers, both weilding food inside

She looked back up at then to find how similar they looked. But, they did look rather tall in height

My, how lucky they are..

The Woman watched as they stood there even longer, now noticing why. They were asking to come in, weren't they-

 They were asking to come in, weren't they-

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         "...Are you sure you're ok?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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