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I sat there impatiently trying to wait, holding back my tears and broken sobs threatening to come out. I felt my chest becoming tight as if someone was hold on to it, my heart remained heavy. I wish it was me... I was hurt, but I can't imagine what's going on in that room.

A doctor came out the room Tae was in, I didn't give it a second thought before sprinting to the door. It has been an hour and this is the first time anyone has left left the room.

I was stopped by a firm hand grabbing me. I didn't care who it was, all I know is they are stopping me for seeing Tae. I tried pulling my arm away but their grip was to strong

"Let me go!!" I continued trying to free myself but i was getting no where. "Calm down, we're moving Mr.Kim into surgery" the doctor stated keeping me in a tight hold.

unable to process his words I faced the doctor "Surgery?" He nodded

I felt a thick lump in my throat, my heart felt tight again, as I see the doctors roll the bed down the hall. I caught a glimpse of Tae. The burning sensation returning to my eyes as tears started building up. Was this going to be a common feeling for me? it was as if I wasn't comprehending something in my mind. he looked so lifeless.

"What is the surgery for?" A deeper voice spoke from behind me. "Well the car accident was a very serious one and both of your friends are lucky they survived, especially you with just a broken arm." The doctor gestured to my right arm.

"Your friend has a small fracture in the scull causing bleeding in the brain, surgery is what is best for him." There was a slight moment of silence before the dark haired male thanked the doctor as the doctor excused him self heading to the back.

"Jimin?...." i turned to face the man that was behind me. I didn't realize I was crying until he wiped my tears, pulling me into his embrace. I let it out the pint up pain I had been feeling since we got here. I couldn't help it, i felt so broken.

i felt his arms leave from around my waist and his hands cupping my face. He moved back a little to look me in the eyes. "All we can do is wait" how could he be so calm right now? I knew he was right but I didn't want to wait, I wanted to know if Tae will be okay.

I let out a stressed sigh and as we walked back to our chairs in the hospital waiting room. I laid my head down on yoongi's shoulder  and closed my eyes trying to steady my breathing, I feel safe with him. he is always so calm and collected.

part of me envied that.

Yoongi pov
Its been about 40 mins since I talked to the doctor, Jimin even fell asleep but I can hear little sobs here and there. I know he's been on edge lately and now this car 'accident' it sure as hell made things worse. This was not an accident and when kook comes back inside were going to talk.

1 hour passes

2 hours pass

Kook is still outside. I rubbed my temples trying to stay calm. leaning back in my chair looking over at Jimin struggling to eat, he woke up an hour ago and I finally convinced him to eat. I took his bowl and chop sticks "I'll do it ."

My eyes land on his cut lip then down to his fractured right arm. I can't help but feel angry but i wish i could have prevented this. A whine came from his mouth full of food.

After he swallowed his food he opened his mouth to protest "I can do it-" I put more food in his mouth. I know jimin likes to do things in his own but he is in no condition to fed himself. After I helped Jimin finish his food I made sure that he would be okay while I checked on kook.

It was 1:53 am and he still hasn't come back. I stepped outside and he was nowhere to be found. I looked around, spotting an ally next to the hospital. Maybe he went there to talk to his dad. When I turned the corner I seen a figure sitting on the ground back resting against the wall. I walked closer and it was Jungkook.

"Kook why are u- KOOK!!" He was covered in bruises and cuts, blood on his shirt and barely conscious. I lifted his arm around my neck picking him up and carrying him into the hospital.

Jungkook pov
i was pacing back and forth outside the hospital near some ally waiting for my dad to answer the phone.

"What the fuck was that?!?!!" I yell

"Pardon your manners, is this how you talk to you father?" He questioned. His stern voice echoed a-crossed the line. I clenched my fist, the audacity is unreal.

"Cut the bullshit you know what you did." I raised my voice

"Always so ungrateful, i thought you were calling to thank me. I did u a favor." he said with sarcasm lingering in his voice. If I was stupid he would have almost sounded hopeful.

"A favor?! You think this is funny? Trying to kill people I care about is doing me a favor?" i spat "your sick."

"My my quite a temper you have, worked up over those boy toy's-"

"They are not boy toy's do not disrespect them, they are my friends" this conversation was only making me more mad

"You don't need fucking friends!" He roared "You and Yoongi have a bright future and I'm not going to let some faggots ruin that. You and Yoongi are lucky I didn't personally kill them." this man was so infuriating, that it made me sick hearing him talk

"Now, I want you and yoongi to report to my office in 5 minutes"

"We're not going" im frustrated, no angry i can't even begin to describe my rage right now. I'm so fed up with him hurting the ones closes to me. What I hate even more is that Yoongi was dragged into this.

"I said my office in 5 minutes" his voice was stern, I didn't care. His petty little demands is not the issues at hand, I'm more concerned about the people in this hospital.

" I said no" part of me regretted that knowing how ruthless my father is, I mean obviously that's why I'm at the hospital now, but i'm not leaving.

"You will not disobey me, I'm being nice" you could hear the murderous tone his voice

"We are not some fucking pets that come when u call." Everything he father said was aggravating me.

"Jungkook you listen to m-" i hung up not wanting to hear his crazy ass anymore, I couldn't find it in me to care about another word that came out of his mouth.

putting my phone in my pocket leaning against the cold brink wall. I pulled out a cigarette letting a deep sigh as i lit it putting it up to my mouth.

It wasn't healthy but i didn't smoke often only when i'm stressed because Tae doesn't like the smell. I closed my eyes trying to relax letting the smoke leave my mouth. I was in my head so much i didn't hear the men walking towards me at least until it was too late.

I was knocked to the ground head hitting the hard concrete. I tried to get up but my balance was off and I was pushed back down. My vision was blurry and everything was spinning. Punches and and kicks were hitting my body.

I felt so weak, unable to do anything

Then it stopped I could hear someone start to laugh, I could barely move then something cold and sharp pierced my arm I screamed. Cold air and my open cut stung

I started having trouble breathing, the air was becoming thick all of a sudden and my arm the began to feel numb.

One of the guys did something with his hand and they left. once the blurry figures were gone i tried to lift myself up but his arms were to beat so I used all my strength i had left to sit myself against the wall. 'I feel so weak' was his last thought before everything went black.

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