Chapter 1

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Our story starts in the streets of medieval London. Smoke brewing in the air to the dismal sky, down below through the cracked stone cobble streets with erected wooden structures so closely together the wind whispered through the sides. Sliding along these cobbled streets through the invisible clouds of foulness climbing its way through the nose. Stood at the end of the street a lovely scent of freshly brewed Jamaican coffee beans masking the awfulnes  that covered the grimy streets of London.

An African lady standing outside wearing old brown rags, dirt screaming out silently from her clothing. Not daring to look at those around her in their eyes she kept her head down as she clenched her hands upon a wooden board setting it outside on the ground. She sets it up with the words "Fresh Jamaican Coffee sold here for just 4 Shillings!" She sighed quietly under her breath and headed inside the wooden building.

The owner of the Coffee house stood by the main wooden counter at the back going through the paperwork for the building, the man glanced up from his papers towards the African woman and snarled "get those damn tables ready Elizabeth or I will deduct your pay by 6 pence for being a lazy good for nothing!" He says in an aggressive and angered tone towards Elizabeth. She nodded and quickly did her job not wanting to upset her boss any further.

As the day proceeds, people coming and going as the fresh smell of beautiful coffee filled the air and grew stronger masking out the dreadful smells outside. A woman strolls inside the Coffee house wearing a bright cyan coloured dress with not one spec of dirt to be seen she walks towards the wooden counter as her heels tap against the oak floor. "What could I get for you Ma'am?" The Owner asks the lady in a well mannered tone. She replies politely "Your finest coffee please." The owner nods and notes it down as the woman pays before she heads to a table and sits upon the chair waiting patiently for the coffee to arrive.

The owner rudely tells Elizabeth to take the freshly made coffee straight over to the well dressed British woman sat at a table. Elizabeth nodded as she steadily rushed over to the table with the cup and placed it upon the table gently "here is your coffee ma'am I hope you enjoy". The lady looked up at Elizabeth and gave a smile "why thank you so much. You have such a beautiful voice" says the lady "Elizabeth right? My name is Sapphire. My parents named me that for my eyes." She adds on. Elizabeth smiles softly making eye contact with Sapphire "what lovely eyes if i do say so myself miss."

Sapphire finished her cup of coffee and placed it down on the table before standing up on her two feet "well I shall be on my way. The coffee was certainly lovely she says taking one hand of Elizabeths and placing 5 pound there before letting go "enjoy that as extra" she says leaving out of the building glancing back through the window as she walks on down the streets of London.

Elizabeth looked at the money and quickly placed it in her pocket as she smiled warmly feeling good for once in a long while in her life but the feeling quickly fades when the owner shouts from the back "are you going to bring that cup back or just stand there you useless thing?!" Elizabeths smile drops as she picks up the empty cup and carries it to the back.

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